27 July 2022 – What-If? – Part 4

2 Kings 7:19 The king’s officer had replied, “That couldn’t happen even if the LORD opened the windows of heaven!”

“‘What” and “if’ are two non-threatening words but if put together, they have the power to daunt and haunt you for the rest of your life.”

“What-if” questions inundate and overwhelm us with doubt and disbelief.  The National Library of Medicine published a research paper on the effect of doubt on a human brain. They concluded that the potent regulator of human behaviour and emotion is believing or disbelieving. ‘What-if’ questions disconnects faith and insidiously indoctrinates fear.  What we accept as the truth wires our thoughts and actions whereas what is embedded in our brain as ‘false’, blocks and chains us down. ‘What-if’ enumerates various reasons why we should not believe in God’s promises and the numerous ways prophecies cannot come to fruition. If we choose to dwell on the truth, the ‘what-if’ threats would dissipate but if we entertain the coercions, disbelief will drive our emotions and kill the promises of God.    

Samaria was under siege and Elisha prophesied that God was going to do a miracle overnight. He said that the famine in the city was going to turn into feasting in the morning. However, the personal assistant of the king shunned the prophecy and contemptuously said, “That couldn’t happen even if the LORD opened the windows of heaven!”.  Those who are drowned in the ‘what-if’ questions will never be able to enjoy the providence of God. They will squash their blessing in its embryo by their frivolous thoughts and foul tongue. The officer who spoke brashly and abruptly brought a curse upon himself by his careless words. “You will see it with your own eyes,” answered Elisha, “but you will not eat any of it!” (Vs 3). The next day, the office died in the stampede of people rushing to get their provision that the Lord provided just as He had promised.  

Three lessons from the raspy sergeant:

  1. Confession:  Confessions confirm our faith. The devil cannot read our thoughts, but he can hear our words. Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits (Proverbs 18:21). Don’t eat the fruit of negative, disbelieving, and harmful careless confession.  
  1. Contradiction: Contradictions insinuates disbelief. Deception of the demonic world would be subtle and sly. Don’t entertain contradictory arguments in your mind that debilitates faith. Reality contradicts the power of divinity. Contradictions and deceptions will abort conception of faith.     
  1. Conclusion: Conclusion of the challenge is the marriage between ‘lies and adversity’ or ‘truth and victory’. Blurting out disbelief will collide with the demonic trap whereas confessing the promises will consummate with the supernatural plan of God. The conclusion of the chaos is in the truth or lies we believe and action.

Entertaining the lies of ‘what-ifs’ engages with the demonic deceptions. Draw victorious conclusions and defeat contradicting ‘what’-if’s with positive confessions.

2 Kings 7:18 It happened as the man of God had said to the king.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, may the belief system of my mind and the confession of my mouth be rooted in your promises to bring your plan to completion in my life. Amen.

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