29 July 2022 – What-If? – Part 6

Psalm 16:5 LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup; you make my lot secure.

“‘Turn your ‘what-ifs’ into ‘why-nots’”.

There is a poignant truth hidden in this verse “LORD, you alone are my portion”.  King David was a man who feared God and revered the Word of God. He was aware that the tribe of Levite did not inherit any land when they conquered the Promised Land (Canaan) but the Lord was their portion. The Levitical priests—indeed, the whole tribe of Levi—are to have no allotment or inheritance with Israel. ..the Lord is their inheritance, as he promised them (Deuteronomy 18:1-2). This simply meant that whatever belonged to the Lord, belonged to the Levitical Priests. The Levites who had no land registered under their name were the wealthiest as the earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. (Psalm 24:1). When the Lord is our portion, we will be granted positions that we are unworthy of and be bestowed authority that we are not qualified for.

With God on our side, we can turn the ‘what-ifs’ into ‘why-nots’. David was the neglected child of the family. The ancient Jewish historians say that David was born to a concubine of Jesse (his father).  Hence even though he was the baby of the family (the 8th and the last child), he was tending his father’s sheep. When Prophet Samuel wanted his sons lined-up for the Lord to pick the one to be the next King of Israel, David was missing as he was in the wilderness shepherding his father’s flock. Nevertheless, the oil from the jar of Prophet Samuel refused to flow until David was brought into the home. David missed the interview, but he did not miss the appointment or the anointing. David understood early on that all wisdom, worth and wealth are hidden in the Lord. Hence, he prayed LORD, you alone are my portion.

Reverse the ‘what-ifs’ into ‘why-nots’:

  1. Profession: ‘What-if’ your applications have been rejected? ‘What-if’ you have had a long career break? ‘What-if’ there are candidates with better qualifications and experience? Success in our career is hidden in Christ Jesus. It was not the height, weight, talents or experience that anointed David as the next king. He was only a ruddy, smelly shepherd boy yet he was God’s choice. God will raise people to arbitrate for us and turn the ‘what-ifs’ into ‘why-nots’.
  1. People: ‘What-if’ you have had a bad relationship or suffered a bitter divorce? ‘What-if’ friends have betrayed and family has ostracized? David was the greatest King of Israel despite the opposition, envy, and menacing bouts. No man on earth and no demon in hell can snatch what God has preordained for you and me.          
  1. Portion: The Levites had nothing yet had everything as the Lord was their portion. Make the Holy Spirit your portion and your Helper. Engage Him in all your decisions and there will be astounding achievements and surprising success all your life. In Christ we have everything.

Making Christ our portion will turn the ‘what-ifs’ into ‘why-nots’.

Colossians 2:3 He is the key that opens all the hidden treasures of God’s wisdom and knowledge. In him are stored all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, you are my portion and my inheritance. Help me to turn my ‘what-ifs’ into ‘why-not’. Amen.

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