21 August 2022 – Praise-Breaks – Part 1

Isaiah 61:3b ..a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

Praise is not a bunch of words or a few songs that we sing at church. Praise is an outburst of a verbal or non-verbal communication from a grateful heart.

“Praise is the beauty of a Christian. What wings are to a bird, what fruit is to the tree, what the rose is to the thorn, that is praise to a child of God.”— Charles H. Spurgeon

The mind is the bridge that connects the terrestrial to the supernatural. The mind is the portal that communicates between the earthly body and the eternal soul. Praise is a garment that dresses the soul with gentleness to converse with God our creator. If we fail to clothe our soul with praise, the dark cloak of worldly worries will wrap our inner man. Rev. Spurgeon spectacularly portrays praise as the beauty of a Christian. Praise beautifies the soul with humility and holiness to enter into the throne room of God.

Praise is an acclamation, commemoration and admiration of God’s goodness and greatness. Praise precedes worship, adoration and adulation. A heart that goes to bed with gratitude will rise up singing and praising the Lord with a new song. Praise is not a ritual that we do in the morning; Praise should be our way of life. My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long (Psalm 71:8). Put on the garment of praise. Take praise breaks throughout the day to remain in an atmosphere of praise.      

Be clothed in the garment of praise:

1.     What: Praise is an expression of gratitude. If we forget or fail to put on the garment of praise the garment of complaint will stifle us. When people have a bad day, we hear them say, ‘I got up on the wrong side of bed’. They did get up on the wrong side; they just wore the wrong clothes. Grumbling covers us with grave clothes but praise decorates us with grand branded divine attire. Praise is the divine branded clothing of heaven.    

2.     When: The first thing we must do as soon as we open our eyes is ‘Praise the Lord’. If we start our day with a long list of petitions, we will linger at the outer court but praise swings open the door to the Holy place of God’s presence. I praise You seven times a day for Your righteous judgments (Psalm 119:164). The busy king of Israel would have taken praise-breaks every 2 hours from his extremely hectic schedule to praise God seven times a day!

3.     Where: Praise is not restricted to our ‘morning prayer time’ or to a church service. We can praise him throughout the day. We can praise Him when we walk, work and even when we are weary. Praise Him in the boardroom, bathroom and the ballroom. Praise Him everywhere.  

Put on the garment of praise. Stop and take praise-breaks every 2 hours.

1 Chronicles 16:9 Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Speak of all His wonders.

Prayer: God of Heaven and Earth, there is no one like You, there is no one above you and there is no one beside you. You are awesome in power and might. Amen.

Isaiah 61:3b ..a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

Praise is not a bunch of words or a few songs that we sing at church. Praise is an outburst of a verbal or non-verbal communication from a grateful heart.

“Praise is the beauty of a Christian. What wings are to a bird, what fruit is to the tree, what the rose is to the thorn, that is praise to a child of God.”— Charles H. Spurgeon

The mind is the bridge that connects the terrestrial to the supernatural. The mind is the portal that communicates between the earthly body and the eternal soul. Praise is a garment that dresses the soul with gentleness to converse with God our creator. If we fail to clothe our soul with praise, the dark cloak of worldly worries will wrap our inner man. Rev. Spurgeon spectacularly portrays praise as the beauty of a Christian. Praise beautifies the soul with humility and holiness to enter into the throne room of God.

Praise is an acclamation, commemoration and admiration of God’s goodness and greatness. Praise precedes worship, adoration and adulation. A heart that goes to bed with gratitude will rise up singing and praising the Lord with a new song. Praise is not a ritual that we do in the morning; Praise should be our way of life. My mouth is filled with your praise, declaring your splendor all day long (Psalm 71:8). Put on the garment of praise. Take praise breaks throughout the day to remain in an atmosphere of praise.      

Be clothed in the garment of praise:

1.     What: Praise is an expression of gratitude. If we forget or fail to put on the garment of praise the garment of complaint will stifle us. When people have a bad day, we hear them say, ‘I got up on the wrong side of bed’. They did get up on the wrong side; they just wore the wrong clothes. Grumbling covers us with grave clothes but praise decorates us with grand branded divine attire. Praise is the divine branded clothing of heaven.    

2.     When: The first thing we must do as soon as we open our eyes is ‘Praise the Lord’. If we start our day with a long list of petitions, we will linger at the outer court but praise swings open the door to the Holy place of God’s presence. I praise You seven times a day for Your righteous judgments (Psalm 119:164). The busy king of Israel would have taken praise-breaks every 2 hours from his extremely hectic schedule to praise God seven times a day!

3.     Where: Praise is not restricted to our ‘morning prayer time’ or to a church service. We can praise him throughout the day. We can praise Him when we walk, work and even when we are weary. Praise Him in the boardroom, bathroom and the ballroom. Praise Him everywhere.  

Put on the garment of praise. Stop and take praise-breaks every 2 hours.

1 Chronicles 16:9 Sing to Him, sing praises to Him; Speak of all His wonders.

Prayer: God of Heaven and Earth, there is no one like You, there is no one above you and there is no one beside you. You are awesome in power and might. Amen.

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