04 September 2022 – Who is God? – Part 1

Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I do not change [but remain faithful to My covenant with you]; that is why you, O sons of Jacob, have not come to an end.

God is an embodiment of ‘Love’. His love is unconditional, incomparable and unending. His love is not like human love that grows overtime or diminishes with disappointments. His love is fully matured and remains benevolent and brimming always. We can try to understand God’s love as the love of a father or a mother but human love has limitations. Even the most loving parent would fail or falter in their human weakness but the Love of God is flawless.

“For the breadth of the love of Jesus is immensity, for the length it is eternity, for depth it is immeasurability, and for height it is infinity” – Charles Spurgeon.

The Love of God is like a fully blossomed beautiful rose with dew drops on its petal permeating its sweet scent from eternity to eternity. It never changes, shrinks or shrivels. The God of Creation is the same God of Love who drove Adam and Eve out of the garden when they sinned. The Almighty God of the Old Testament was not a unibrowed autocrat who scorched a sinner. God sent them out in ‘love’ as He did not want them to eat from the ‘tree of life’ that would have chained them into the bondage of sin forever. God had a redemption plan in mind when He ‘drove-them-out’. In Hebrew the usage ‘drove-out’ is inferred as “to surround or defend”. God put a barbed wired fiery fence around the garden to protect them, not to punish them. Only when we see all the expressions of the Almighty’s response as ‘love’ will we be able to understand a fragment of His unending love.

God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him (1 John 4:16). Authentic love emanates from God. If there is anything good in us, it is a small trickle of God’s love flowing through us. By nature there is nothing good in us, it is only the goodness of Christ that streams through us. 

God is love:

1.     ControlGod’s love never controls, it only liberates. The God who controls the universe does not thrust His presence into our lives. He waits for us to invite Him. True love does not control. Our expression of love to God and man should not be out of fear or intimidation. It must be genuine and real.

2.     CompelGod’s love never compels or drags us. He stands with open arms no matter how far we ramble away from Him. The father of the prodigal son waited with unassuming love for his return. God’s love attracts, it does not compel or coerce.       

3.     Compassionate: The compassion of God knows no end as there is no end to His forgiveness, no limitation to His mercy and no measure to His grace.

God is love.

1 John 4:16b God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.

Prayer: God of love, may I see everything around me and in me through the eyes of love. Daddy, flow in and through me as I love others with Your selfless love. Amen                                                                                                                                                                                        

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