26 September 2022 – The Power of the Blood- Part 2

Hebrews 10:22 Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water.

The blood of Jesus is the divine detergent of the soul. When we sprinkle the blood of Jesus we are not spraying a liquid but showering life. The life of every living thing is in the blood (Leviticus 17:11). When we sprinkle the blood of Jesus over something that is dead we are sprinkling life. Sprinkling the blood over a dead relationship/marriage will bring it back to life, over diseased bodies will bring healing, over the depleting bank balance will spring up fresh innovative ideas to produce wealth. The blood of Jesus is the divine detergent that will cleanse the sin, curse and its consequence and make room for divine blessings.

When your heart condemns us of a misdoing, sprinkle the blood of Jesus. One drop of blood of Jesus is more powerful than all the powers of hellCondemnations will turn into celebration when we sprinkle the blood over our guilt, shame and stigma. When the demons remind us about our hideous past and hateful sins, spray the divine detergent, the blood of Jesus, over the words of the spiteful demons. The best way to handle the demeaning pejorative guile of the devil is to agree with the truth.  Most times, the devil would remind us of some misdeed we have committed. Agree with him but extinguish the slanderous voice by sprinkling the blood. Talk back to the defamatory voice in your head and say, “That is who I was but now I’m covered with the precious blood of Jesus”.  The blood is the disinfectant to exterminate the derogatory demonic voice out of our head.

The blood is the cleansing agent:

1.     Disinfectant: The blood of Jesus is the disinfectant for any attacks of lustful, lousy or filthy thoughts. Every time we are attacked by envious or evil thoughts sprinkle the blood of Jesus. The Israelites used hyssop, a bush that grows prolifically in the Middle East to sprinkle the blood. Our hyssop is our tongue. Speak the blood and the bad thoughts and ugly voices will dissipate.  

2.     Diffuser: The sprinkled blood becomes the sweet diffuser of the aroma of Christ in and through us. Sprinkling the blood must be the first and regular exercise every day. The more we are cleansed with the blood of Jesus the sweeter will be the scent of goodness and godliness in us. The blood is the divine diffuser.  

3.     Detergent: The blood of Jesus is not just a ‘stain remover’ but ‘bleach’ that completely renews the soul. The blood refurbishes our heart, mind and thinking and aligns us with the mind of God. The blood, the divine detergent justifies, just-as-we-have-never-sinned.  

The blood of Jesus is our divine detergent that sanctifies a sinner.

Hebrews 9:26b He has appeared once for all at the culmination of the ages to do away with sin by the sacrifice of Himself.

Prayer: Jesus my Saviour, thank you for the ‘delivering divine detergent’, the blood that cleanses me from the stain of sin, without a trace. I sprinkle the blood over all sin, sickness and curses. Amen                                                                                                                                                                          

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