19 October 2022 – Change Agent – Part 4

Joshua 1:2 “Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, you, and all this people, to the land which I give to them, even to the children of Israel.

“Sometimes change was good. Sometimes it was even exactly what you needed” – Jenny O Connell.

Birth and death marks the seasons of life. The end of the journey of Moses, the great leader of Israel paved the way for the birth of another awesome leader Joshua. The strength of Moses was in his staff but the potency of Joshua was in the sword and in the Word of God. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it (Joshua 1:8). ‘Moses the mediator’ was the author of the Law and the next leader Joshua meditated on the Law. Moses typified the pathway to be a patient pastor and a prophet on the other hand Joshua’s life epitomized warring with the Word and the sword. At that juncture, change was what the Israelites exactly needed to take them into the Promised Land.

God is the author of all changes in our life. Change of a spiritual leader, fantastic manager, comrades or business partners are all orchestrated by the Lord God to bring out our potential. However, change is seldom looked at with enthusiasm and excitement. When the Lord God spoke to Joshua, it sounded as if he was waiting for Moses to die in order to make the final move in the 40 years of wandering. Joshua 1:2 is like the Lord God saying, “Checkmate” to the ‘Exodus Ordeal’.  Rather than groaning about the change in seasons, let’s start embracing and enjoying the journey. The change is to equip us for elevation.

God is the Change Agent of the seasons of life:

1.     Seasons: If we are adamant and wear summer clothes in winter we will freeze in the cold. We change our clothes with the changing season. The time of leading Israel with the shepherd’s staff was over hence, the Lord raised a soldier with a sword. Understand the change of season. If the years of spinsterhood or bachelorhood are over, learn to adjust, appreciate and fit into the change of season. If a new season brings new challenges; it makes room to grow and not to shrivel. 

2.     Shift: Shift gears when you are climbing uphill. If proper driving techniques are not used while climbing uphill, it can damage the engine of the vehicle.  We will not be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit if we are rigid to changes. Shift with the season.        

3.     Skill-set: Change of seasons will help us to discover the hidden skill-set within us both in the spiritual and the natural. Challenging changes is the pathway to innovation and creativity; challenge uncovers buried talents. Never stop learning, training and improvising. Change initiates developing new proficiencies and skill-sets.  

The change from God our Change-Agent is to move us into the next season of life.

Psalm 144:1 Praise be to the LORD my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.

Prayer: Father God, help me to understand that change of leadership and friendships is a shift of season to fine-tune my hidden skill-sets. Amen                                                                                                                                     

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