17 November 2022 – Fear – Part 5

Psalm 23:5 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Fear of evil comes upon us like a shroud. Fear of the unknown future, fear of an impending harm, financial loss, redundancy or health impairment, fear of accidents, death, rejection, abandonment or unpopularity might engulf and suffocate us. Fear of evil is like snake egg deposits in our mind. ‘Fear’ becomes the door of entry for all demonic attacks. If we entertain fearful thoughts, evil forebodings or qualm, the thoughts settle-in and start incubating in our mind. Fear of evil is malevolent insinuations from the demonic realm. When the insinuations are incubated they hatch into snakes and pythons and start biting and poisoning our lives. 

The average incubation period for most snakes is between 55 and 60 days at an ideal temperature of between 78°F and 84°F (25.56 degrees Celsius).  The habitation of snakes is in the valleys with thick undergrowth, forests, swamps, and grasslands. Hence, one of the greatest dangers in the valley are snakes. Theologians interpret snakes as demonic evil spirits or wicked and violent evil doers who are under the influence of demonic force. The fathomless psalm 23 says that when we walk through the deep dark dangerous valleys of life, we need not fear the ambush.  We have the rod and staff of God protecting and comforting us. Valley experiences are not pleasant but never allow the fear of evil to intimate, incubate and incarcerate you.   

Overcoming the fear of evil:                                                                                          

1.     Insinuation: Demons cannot read our thoughts but they can insinuate, ingratiate and inundate our minds with terrifying thoughts. We might wake up with a nightmare, a dreadful dream or a foreboding. Crush the snake egg deposit and cancel the awful and alarming thoughts immediately. Reverse the bad thoughts with a Bible verse. Reject the insinuation and the diabolical suggestions.

2.     Incubation: Snake eggs that are incubated will hatch in 2 months but diabolic insinuations could hatch within 2 days or sometimes even within 2 hours. For the thing I feared has overtaken me, and what I dreaded has happened to me (Job 3:25). Job was an incredible faith hero yet, he incubated fearful insinuations that hatched into pythons and swallowed his children and business. Don’t incubate, crush the snake eggs.

3.     Incarceration: Fear opens the door to the demonic realm to invade, intrude, interfere and incarcerate us. Reacting to fear, panic, anxiety and voicing out anxiety will bind us with chains of limitations, apprehensions, amnesia, insomnia and even addictions. The purpose of depositing the snake eggs is to inject lethal toxins into our minds and to keep us in bondage. Break the shackles of fear. Valley experiences are not God’s correcting grounds; they are uncertain dark places for us to experience His divine comfort, calm and care under His rod and staff. 

Fear of evil are snake egg deposits. Crush them.

Isaiah 59:5 They hatch evil like eggs from poisonous snakes.  If you eat one of those eggs, you will die, and if you break one open, a poisonous snake comes out.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, You are my Good Shepherd and under your rod and staff I am safe even in the dangerous valley with snakes, demons and scorpions.  Amen 

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