20 November 2022 – Companions, Comrades & Connections – Part 1

1 Samuel 18:1b Jonathan became one in spirit with David, and he loved him as himself.

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.” — Walter Winchell

Every good and perfect gift is bestowed by our Father in Heaven but He uses human hands to bless and bolster us.  Companions, comrades and godly connections are the greatest asset that God blesses us with. However, as much as we are blessed we can also be broken and wounded by friendships. It is important for us to analyze the rudimentary qualities of good and godly friendships before we promote a person to the noble status of a friend. Good friends are not perfect or flawless but they are genuine and loving. If there is no compassion in the companionship then the bud of friendship will never bloom. There will be matured understanding and there will be no petty misunderstandings in authentic companionships. An authentic friend will call a spade a spade and will stand with us through the thick and thin. A good friend will never give up even when we stumble. A real friend will walk in when the fake facades walk out.

A divine friendship bloomed between the poor shepherd boy David and Prince Jonathan. The first gesture of friendship from Jonathan was by sharing the palatial princely garments with David. Jonathan took off the robe he was wearing and gave it to David, along with his tunic, and even his sword, his bow and his belt (1 Samuel 18:4). Soon the reeking raggedy shepherd boy looked like a prince as well. We will reflect the people that we hang out with. If we strike friendship with the noble we will radiate royalty. Rubbing shoulders with the anointed and the godly will slather their anointing on us. The integrous and godly friendship paved the way for the poor peasant to be warmly accepted in the palace.

Three qualities of genuine companionships:                                                                   

1.     Probity: Integrity with words, honesty in intentions and probity in counsel are the foundations of good friendships. Godly friendships are not selfish. They are selfless and esteem others higher than themselves. Prince Jonathan willingly gave up the throne for his best friend David. You are going to be the king of Israel, and I will be next to you (1 Samuel 23:17). Probity is the brick and cement of godly friendships. 

2.     Purity: Purity, not pride, will be the crown of good friendships. Relationships that tempt and drag us to engage in cheap pleasures and silly shameful amusements are not genuine. They will dump us when we are in trouble. Jonathan stood as the wall of protection between his vicious father and the victim David. Purity is the protecting cover over godly friendships.   

3.     Priority: Godly friendships will never take us for granted. They will not miss an appointment or treat us with contempt. Genuine companionships will be caring and concerned, not judgmental or harsh. Prioritizing their commitment to us over their own cares will be the ambience of godly friendships.       

Genuine friendships are rare. Value and treasure them.

1 Samuel 20:42a Jonathan said to David, “Go in peace, for we have sworn friendship with each other in the name of the Lord.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank you for godly friends. May you be the centre of all our relationships.  Amen  

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