11 December 2022 – Emotional Stability – Part 1

Joshua 2:11 And as soon as we had heard it, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more spirit in any man, because of you: for Jehovah your God, he is God in heaven above, and on earth beneath.

‘Emotional stability’ is a fundamental personality trait to be level-headed even during stressful circumstances. It is the ability to face the stress and strains of the day without being emotionally upset, anxious, nervous, tensed or angry. Emotional stability continues to increase and build during middle adulthood but the foundation of emotional stability is laid during the formative years of childhood. ‘EQ’ (emotional quotation), not just ‘IQ’ (intelligent quotation) makes us socially-smart and better individuals.  Research says that 90% of mental illness including anxiety attacks; uncontrolled exasperations and depression are caused by “trying to avoid pain”. Mentally unstable adults would have invariably faced childhood trauma including emotional or physical abuse. Emotional resilience is developed in children by love and acceptance of family and friends.

Emotional stability is a learnt habit.  No one is born with extreme anxiety or depression. Hence emotional instability can be unlearned at any stage in life. 

Threatening news can make us emotionally unstable. The people of Jericho were struck by a panic attack when they heard that the Israelites have camped at the bank of Jordan. The news about the ten plagues of Egypt and the victory over the super power of their time, Pharaoh and the Egyptian iron chariots melted their hearts away. The people of Jericho were warriors but they knew that their battle was not with the Hebrew slaves but with Jehovah, their God.

Build emotional resilience:

1.     Learn: To build emotional stability we must identify the root cause and unhelpful mental habits that cause emotional stress. The root cause could be insecurity, low self-esteem, shame or even ego and pride. The inability to accept failure can make people extremely unstable. However, the rudimentary cause of emotional instability is because God is absent in the stress and strain. When the Lord comes into the equation of the insurmountable circumstance we will automatically become emotionally strong. Learn to engage the Holy Spirit in your day to day challenges.  

2.     Unlearn: Unlearn wrong thinking patterns and stop incorrect confessions. Many talk themselves into an emotional fit and frenzy. Saying the wrong things when something goes wrong will make it worse not better. Confess that nothing is too hard for the Lord. Challenges in life help us to grow and stretch into untapped strengths. Unlearn wrong patterns of thinking, talking and testifying.

3.     Lean: The only source of emotional strength is the Holy Spirit. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you (John 14:26). Learn to lean on the Holy Spirit at all times. The Holy Spirit is your helper in the boardroom, courtroom or in boredom. Lean on the Holy Spirit.            

The key to emotional stability is to lean on the Holy Spirit.

Proverbs 25:28 A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, when you are on my side, I can climb any mountain, face any challenge and overcome it victoriously. Amen

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