19 December 2022 – Know Yourself – Part 2

Romans 12:1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God–this is your spiritual act of worship.

The majority of the population fall under two buckets of ‘eating habits’. The first category pays too much attention to food habits and health and the second group of people don’t care about their wellbeing. Research on the psychology of eating says that our appetite, exercise and lifestyle play a very important role in our energy levels, calmness and the alertness of our mind. Healthy lifestyle increases the efficiency of brain functions.

Many Christians are under a wrong illusion that they should not care about their physical body. Abuse of our body by feeding the wrong food and overworking is a sin. Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Our body does not belong to ourselves.  It is the house of the Holy Spirit. The best maintained buildings of the world are places of worship. The project cost to rebuild the earthquake damaged Cathedral in Christchurch is about $159.8 million NZD. The Bible clearly teaches us that our body is the dwelling place of the Holy Ghost. If our car breaks down we can buy another one, if our house is destroyed we can build a new one but if our body stops functioning we cannot replace it. Good health and fit bodies are inevitable to fulfill our purpose on the earth. If not we would exit before our time and take unaccomplished visions and dreams to the grave.

Know yourself:

1.     Repair: Change your lifestyle before permanent damage is done to your vital organs. Dieting does not work for those who have not changed their lifestyle. What we need is a lifestyle change, not another diet. The health industry makes the most money as we live carelessly and eat irresponsibly.  Improve your kidney function by replacing water with fizzy drinks and the digestive system by substituting fiber-rich green vegetables with fried chicken. It’s never too late to make lifestyle changes. Repair before damaging your body.  

2.     Reorganize: Overdose of cocaine, caffeine or cookies does the same damage to the body. Irregular food habits, skipping meals or poor meal timings increases the risk of diabetes, irritability, low energy level and lack of focus. Reorganize your schedule and set sometime for recharging your body and mind. 

3.     Rest: National Sleep Foundation guidelines advise us to sleep somewhere between 7 to 9 hours a day. Nothing can replace sleep. No pill, pleasure or promotion can replace rest. Keeping the Sabbath is not just an Old Testament law. It is a law of love that is applicable even today to rest and rejuvenate our body, mind, soul and spirit.  

Present your physical body as a living sacrifice. Tell your stomach what it needs; don’t let it lure you into temptation.

Proverbs 23:2 For you will put a knife to your throat If you are a man of great appetite.

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, I agree to look after my body, feed it well and exercise my limbs and bones. Help me to be in good health to fulfil your purpose in my life. Amen

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