03 January 2022 – Resilience – Part 3

John 20:10-11 Then the disciples went back to where they were staying. Now Mary stood outside the tomb crying. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb

“Determination will take you to the finish line but resilience will take you beyond.”

Determination can be best defined as focus or firmness to reach the desired end whereas resilience is the ability to rebound from unexpected knockdowns. It is the ability to spring back to shape from a difficulty or a heartbreaking disappointment.

The disciples of Jesus were determined to follow Him to the end. Peter even assertively confessed, Peter says to Him, “Even if it may be necessary for me to die with You, I will not deny You”; in like manner also said all the disciples (Matthew 26:35). Peter was determined to protect Jesus even after Jesus prepared them for His death and resurrection. Peter was ready for a fight when the temple police came to arrest Jesus.  Then Simon Peter, having a sword, drew it, and struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his right ear. (Mark 18:10). Peter followed Jesus to the religious court, the house of the High Priest but he was not to be found at the foot of the cross. We see that the determination of the disciples jaded and jerked after Jesus was pinned to the cross. However, Mary Magdalene and the other women were also at the cross. There were also women looking on afar off (Mark 15:40). These women were the travelling companions of Jesus during His ministry. 

On the third day after crucifixion, the determined disciples were derailed with fear however the resilience of Mary took her to the grave. Resilience will carry us beyond the finish line of disillusionment into our destiny. Mary continued serving Jesus even after His gruesome death. Peter and John sighted the empty tomb and returned back to their hiding but Mary would not leave the garden until she found Jesus. Thinking He/Jesus was the gardener, she said, “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have put him, and I will get him.” (vs 15). She was resolute to move the embalmed body of Jesus which would have weighed about 400 pounds (180 kgs) with her girly biceps! Her determination was carried by the legs of resoluteness.

Resilience will pick us up where disappointment dumps us:

1.     Shake-Away: Resilience is the ability to shake-away the past and move on when expectations come to a crashing end.

2.     Show-Up: Resilience will show-up even when there is a showdown. While the men were shuddering in fear, the women decided to show-up at the grave. Resilience will overcome fear of failure and shame.                                                                  

3.     Supersonic: Resilience is a supersonic spiritual energy that the Lord gives to those who seek to do His will. Accomplishing God’s will and God-given mission is not always easy. It needs supernatural strength which the world calls ‘resilience’.  The resilient will look at a knock-down and say, ‘My God will work this for my good’.  

To accomplish your God-given purpose, build the biceps of resilience in 2023.

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Prayer:  Father God, make me tough inside out to overcome the hits and hurdles that come my way and help me to reach my divine destiny. Amen  

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