12 January 2022 – Confidence – Part 5

Hebrews 13:6 So we say with confidence, “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?”

The source of our confidence is the love that we have for the Lord. The closer we are to Him, the stronger we will be in our trust and confidence. Confidence changes our expectations, exasperations and our enthusiasm. Our confidence is the thermostat that sets the temperature and regulates the atmosphere of our mind and heart. Research says that fear and anger are two negative emotions that fuel each other. Those who are anxious and apprehensive about an impending danger normally express their fear as anger. Likewise confidence and calmness are two positive emotions that give us emotional stability. When the substratum of our being believes that God is for us and that He is not against us, our confidence level will rocket high. When we believe that God can change even the bad, unfortunate and ugly things to fit into our ultimate destiny, our assurance about a flourishing future will become strong and sturdy. There will be no fear of the future to those who have put their confidence in the Lord.

The confidence of Hannah after she heard from God changed the trajectory and the tapestry of her life. When she left and ate something, she was not sad anymore (1 Samuel 1:18). The barren woman who was always mourning and melancholic became cheerful and confident after the prophetical word became the  anchor of her soul. Godly confidence wiped her sorrow and sadness away. Confidence in the Lord cheers our soul/mind and calms our spirit/heart.               

Confidence changes our character traits:

1.     Cheerful: Confidence keeps us cheerful even in chaotic circumstances. Once Hannah left the presence of the Lord, she went back into the same home with her rival Peninnah provoking and irritating her, but Hannah could not be incited or inflicted. The cheerfulness of Hannah would have confused her rival. Our cheerfulness and confidence in crucible circumstances confuses the demonic forces.     

2.     Confession: Confidence changes our confessions. We will not look at ourselves as deprived underprivileged slaves but as the ‘crown prince and princesses’ of King Jesus. Our prayers will become authoritative and not depressive. Confidence in the Lord will be heard in our confessions.

3.     Character: Confidence makes us candor, sincere and truthful. There will be no hidden fear in anything that we say or do. We will become authentic, genuine and straightforward in our deals. Godly confidence changes our character.  

Our confidence and trust in the Lord influences our cheerfulness, confession and character. We will not be cowardly and covering but bold, audacious and positive.   

Psalm 118:8 It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man.

Prayer:  Heavenly Father, teach me to look beyond the natural assurances and security and put my trust in your Holy Name and in your life-giving Word. Let my confidence, cheerfulness and calmness be contagious. Amen    

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