21 January 2023 – Fruitfulness – Part 7

Acts 10:38 Jesus went around doing good. He healed all who were under the devil’s power.

Social service is a hobby for many and for others it is a club activity once a quarter. It is good to feed and clothe the poor but only service with eternal focus will bear lasting fruits. ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  (Matthew 25:40). The acid test of fruitful service is the ‘intentions’ behind our service. Invariably those whom we loved and served will turn around and hurt us with disloyalty and derision.The same people whom Jesus compassionately healed and graciously coached cried, “crucify Him” and we are no exceptions. The betrayal did not embitter Jesus. His death on the cross is still bearing fruit and the power of the blood of Jesus will never be diminished as there was no anger, animosity or hostility in Him even while He hung on the ghastly cross.

Our good deeds will be the wealth that we will carry into eternity only when our intentions are pure and selfless. We should not even expect love in return for our kindness. ‘Doing good deeds’ can become weary and tiresome with disappointments, disapproval and disdain. But if we serve just to bring glory to God our heart will not seek the approval or appreciation of people. People will disappoint us, friends will betray us and companions will leave us, but relentless investment into the kingdom of God will make us eternally wealthy. Purity in heart makes us prolific.

Poise and piety make us productive and profitable:

1.     Exuberant: Cheerful and exuberant service with our time, talents and treasures bring eternal rewards. God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7). Everything we have belongs to God anyway. He is the owner, we are only His stewards. Both riches and honor come from you, and you rule over all. In your hand are power and might, and in your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all (2 Chronicles 29:12). Exuberant giving makes us more fruitful.

2.     Expectant: Serving and giving without expecting anything in return yields abundant harvest. Choosing godliness is the way of life for a child of God. We need not gloat about our generosity. It need not be amplified in our conversations, testimonies or preaching. When you do good deeds, don’t try to show off. If you do, you won’t get a reward from your Father in heaven (Matthew 6:1). Set your expectations heavenward and reap imperishable rewards.

3.     Energetic: Give and serve with enthusiasm. When doing good drains our energy and enthusiasm, something is wrong. When we serve our family and people around us, we are serving the Lord God, so may the ingratitude or selfishness of people never debilitate our energy and enthusiasm.   

Selfless service bears eternal fruits.

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up (Galatians 6:0).

Prayer:  Dear Jesus, give me your heart to love and serve without expecting anything in return as I am only returning a small share of your abundant goodness that I’ve received from You. Amen 

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