28 January 2023 – Pocket Prayers – Part 7

Luke 23:34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they have not known what they do”.

Jesus spoke the words that froze all of hell, “Father, forgive them”, at the peak of the treachery and torture. He endured the pain, injustice, betrayal, abandonment, battering and flogging without resentment and finally spoke the golden words that discombobulated the demeanors and the demons. “Father, forgive them” is a power-packed pocket prayer.

Many times the biggest barriers between our prayers and answers are not demons, black magic or the enviers; it is ‘unforgiveness”. “I feel like unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment blocks the flow of God’s blessings in life.”— Ja Rule.  “And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins” (Mark 11:25). Unforgiveness blocks blessings. 

The golden words of forgiveness that came out of the mouth of Jesus convicted the condemned thief hanging next to him. The way to forgive people who have insulted or ill-treated us is to pray the power-pocket prayer of forgiveness. “Father, forgive my family member who misused me” or “Father forgive my friend who betrayed me”, “Father forgive my spouse or sibling who mistreated me” are quick pain-relief prayers. The part of the brain that recognizes physical pain also feels the emotional pain. When our heart aches with the pain of malign or meanness from cruel people – we must pray a quick prayer, “Father, forgive them”.  

Forgiveness is an indispensable pocket prayer:

1.     Conviction: Our prayer of forgiveness convicts the offender. Forgiveness is the antidote that breaks the vicious cycle of hatred and revenge. Jesus did not talk to the thief. He prayed the profound prayer of forgiveness and the thief was convicted of his sinful life. Forgiveness softens the heart hardened by hatred.

2.     Condemnation: Prayer of forgiveness heals us from condemnation. Forgiving others is difficult but forgiving ourselves is tougher. When the devil reminds us of our past mistakes or miserable mishaps to condemn us, we must remember the forgiveness that we have in Christ Jesus. Constantly thank God for His forgiveness and remind the devil that you are forgiven. The blood of Jesus can forgive any abhorrent sin. There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1).  “Forgiveness” is the priceless gift that Jesus bought for us on the cross.

3.     Closeness: Forgiving others and forgiving ourselves brings us into an intimate relationship with Jesus. We cannot get close to the Lord with baggage of bitterness hidden in our heart. Forgiveness does not mean we will forget the brutality of others, it only means that we will not hold it against them or repeat it over and over again. It means that we are not secretly waiting for God to get even with them. The best way to forgive people who hurt us is to pray for them. “Father, forgive them”.  

Forgiveness is an essential part of prayer.

Matthew 5:23 “Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you,

Prayer:  Dearest Lord Jesus, give me the strength in my inner man to pray the prayer of forgiveness against all those who hurt, insulted and mistreated me. Amen

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