03 February 2023 – Divine Weaponry – Part 6

Ephesians 6:15 For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared.

Footwear plays a very important part in the dress code. We cannot go to the beach with formal shoes nor can we wear sneakers with a suit. Likewise, there are spiritual shoes that we have to put on. The Good News or the Gospel teaches us to pursue righteousness, holiness and truthfulness. Righteousness will bring peace. Yes, it will bring quietness and confidence forever.” (Isaiah 32:17). Choosing to do what is right is like putting on the appropriate footwear for the attire.

The global running shoes industry has hit a gross profit of $13.1 billion! There is extensive research done on the hot topic of ‘the performance of athletes in relation to their sports shoes’.  We can safely conclude that branded sports shoes improve performance. Any sports activity puts tremendous pressure on the ankle, feet and legs, and quality sports shoes improves comfort, performance and protects from sports injuries. Christian life is a race and the pursuit cannot be won without the divine branded sports shoes of ‘peace’. The spiritual act of putting on the shoes of peace is fixating our focus and trust on the Lord. You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you (Isaiah 26:3). Feet takes us where we desire to be, likewise a peaceful mind leads us to the green pastures and still waters of rest. The fear of man, fear of the world system and fear of the future would crumble under our feet when we put on the feet of peace. Peace comes from the Good News, the Word of God.

Put on the shoes of peace:

1. Protect: Wearing the right shoes can protect our knees. Safety shoes protect our feet from punctures, cuts or burns. No warrior would go into a battlefield without battle boots. Similarly, if we venture into our day without the shoes of peace, we will be exposed to the missiles and fiery darts of temptation, insinuations and intimidations. Even a casual comment by the spouse will turn into a volcanic eruption if our feet are not shod with the shoes of peace.

2. Prevent: Well-cushioned shoes absorb and dissipate the forces generated by foot-strike and reduce the injury risks to the lower limb. (Foot-strike is when the foot first makes contact with the ground). Our contact with people will be cushioned and protected by the shoes of peace. Those who put on the shoes of peace will change the decorum from hostility into hospitality. Shoes of peace prevent fights, fury and frenzy.        

3. Perform: Appropriate sports shoes enhance performance. The shoes of peace accelerate goodness, godliness and fruitfulness. Peace permeates in the atmosphere when we rub shoulders with those who have put on the shoes of peace.  

Put on the shoes of peace.

Luke 10:19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy.

Prayer: Dear Jesus, I will put on the shoes of peace to trample and overcome the attack of the enemy. May peace flow through as patience and poise in my words and deeds. Amen 

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