06 February 2023 – Quit Quitting – Part 2

1 Kings 19:4 “Take my life! I’m no better than my ancestors.”

“When you think of quitting, remember why you started.” John di Lemme

Elijah decided to throw in the towel when he received a threatening message from the wicked Queen. So Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah to say, “May the gods deal with me, be it ever so severely, if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like that of one of them.” (1 Kings 19:2). The prophet who roared like a lion on the mountain top and brought fire and rain from heaven the same day quivered like a mouse when he heard this message. It was the same thundering man of God who challenged King Ahab and shut the heavens from rain and dew for 3 ½ years. It was the same anointed Elijah who confronted 850 pagan prophets all alone. This courageous and confident prophet cringed and caved-in at the end of the grand finale. 

Elijah was disappointed with God and also disappointed in himself. He said, I’m no better than my ancestors.” The Lord God did not expect him to be better than anyone. When Elijah did marvelous miracles that no other prophet had done before, he presumed that he was better than his ancestors and that God expected him to be better than his predecessors. Most times we contemplate quitting as the ‘caricature’ that success builds, is much bigger than ourselves. This can also be a crack through which pride sneaks in subtly. The words of Jezebel set the caricature of the ‘fire-breathing-prophet’ on flames. Probably Elijah needed the shock treatment to bring him back to reality. Elijah was brought down to ground level to be refueled before he could take off again.     

Remember where you started – Don’t quit:

1. Caricature: Elijah unknowingly had allowed the caricature of his success to consume him. When his caricature was set on fire, he thought that his calling was burnt down. The presumption of his performance had to be burnt down to help him to continue his calling humbly. We think of quitting when we are not able to repeat our astounding performance.  You are not your ‘achievements’ and you don’t have to keep achieving or doing the same thing over and over again. Burn down the caricature of the past to press on in your calling. 

2. Colossus/(Giant): Elijah was intimidated by Jezebel the colossus. No matter how cruel and canny the attackers and demeanors are, our God is bigger than the biggest giant we face. Turning our focus from the giant to the God Almighty will drown fear. 

3. Courage: Courage of Elijah turned into cowardice when he thought he was special, I’m no better than my ancestors. The disparaging message was like a shock treatment that brought Elijah back to reality. Sometimes we need shock-treatment that shakes away conceit and inculcates godly courage. 

“When you think of quitting, remember why you started.”

1 Kings 19:8b And the word of the Lord came to him: “What are you doing here, Elijah?”.

Prayer: Father God, use me the way you want to. May I never drown in my past achievements or build a caricature of myself. Help me keep going even when I feel like quitting. Amen 

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