07 March 2023 – The Face of God – Part 3

Isaiah 59:2 But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that He will not hear.

The face of God is the presence of the Lord. When God hides His face it means that God is withdrawing His presence and shutting His ears from our plea. That day they will ask, `Have not these disasters come upon us because our God is not with us?’And I will certainly hide my face on that day because of all their wickedness in turning to other gods (Deuteronomy 31:17b-18). He is omnipresent everywhere, all the time but the Lord God will hide His manifest presence from those who do evil in His eyes. David cried, Do not turn your face from me in the day of my affliction but bend your ear to me in the day that I call you and answer me quickly! (Psalm 102:2). The face of God brings the tangible miracle-working power of God and floods us with the anointing of healing, deliverance and breakthroughs.

God hiding His face is like the sun hiding itself from the earth. The North and the South Pole do not get sun for six months of the year. Hence there are no trees or shrubs in the Arctic and Antarctic. Lichens and mosses are the most common plant life that is found in the North and the South Poles. When God hides His face there will be no growth. Progression will be stalled and purpose will be foiled. God turning His glorious face away would withdraw His favour, presence, progression and protection.

Three reasons why God hides His face?

1.      Digression: Israel forsook the living God and turned to idolatry and rivalry hence God turned His face away from them. Then they will cry out to the Lord, But He will not answer them. Instead, He will hide His face from them at that time. Because they have practiced evil deeds (Micah 3:4). Practice of sorcery, occult practices or witchcraft will hide God’s face. Digression from the one true Living God and His Word will make him turn His glorious face away.  

2.      Transgression: Transgression is a willful, stubborn and repeated sin. Sin turns into transgression when it is repeated without remorse or repentance. According to their uncleanness and according to their transgressions I dealt with them, and I hid My face from them (Ezekiel 39.24). Arrogant disobedience will hide forgiveness and forbearance that flows from His compassionate face.

3.      Repercussion: God will hide His face from those who are greedy and practice bribery or unjust gain. I was enraged by their sinful greed; I punished them, and hid my face in anger, yet they kept on in their willful ways (Isaiah 57:17). The repercussion of unhealthy practices and unholy lifestyles turns God’s face and favour away.  

Sins, transgression and iniquity hide the face of God and restrain the favour of God from the wicked and unrepentant.

Psalm 30:7: LORD, when you favored me, you made my royal mountain stand firm; but when you hid your face, I was dismayed.

Prayer: Holy Father, may there be nothing found in my life that will make you turn your face away from me. Teach me to live under the shadow of your presence and your glorious face.  Amen

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