12 March 2023 – The Fear of the Lord – Part 1

Proverbs 14:16 The wise fear the Lord and shun evil, but a fool is hotheaded and yet feels secure.

Fear is an unpleasant emotion that causes pain, panic and perturbations but ‘Fear of the Lord’ is a reverential fear of losing the intimacy and closeness with God. Fear of God is not a terror that God will punish us or reprimand us but a dread of losing the proximity to His presence and the clarity to His voice. Jesus said, “If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word. My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him”. (John 14:15).  Love sets the boundaries and integrity directs the path of those who fear God.

Heroes in the race of faith slipped when they lacked the fear of the Lord. They did not stop loving God but the fear of God jaded away.  Noah got drunk and David fell into adultery as they lacked the fear of God not the love for God. Fear of the Lord makes us shun or run from evil. Fear of the Lord is the fireproof that protects us from the fiery shots of temptations. David loved God audaciously but fell into sin when he took God’s grace for granted. Noah’s faith was astonishing yet, after the great flood he got drunk, incited incest and pronounced a curse upon his grandson Canaan the son of Ham. He said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren (Genesis 9:25). Bible scholars believe that the grandson of Noah, Canaan, indulged in incest with Noah when he was intoxicated. Noah’s insobriety led to debauchery. Reverential fear of God keeps us from entertaining anything evil, wicked or unholy.

Fear of God keeps us away from sin.

Fear of God shuns evil:

1.      Reckless: Noah was reckless with his decision. He was irresponsible with his entertainment. The Lord God had given him the responsibility of being an exemplary grandfather to the whole world but his reckless action brought curse upon his own grandson and his generation. The Canaanites remained despicable and hostile enemies of Israel.

2.      Careless: David’s carelessness lured him away from the fear of God. A moment of temptation can lead us into regrettable sinful behaviour. One click, one phone call and one moment of temptation is all that is needed to break ‘the fear of God’ away from us. Repetition of sins makes the heart grow cold, and the conscience callous.     

3.      Hopeless: Lack of the fear of God will suffocate us with hopelessness. Fear of God is not a negative emotion but a rejuvenating passion to think what God thinks and to do what He does.     

The fear of God is not the fear of us being intimidated or terrorized by God but the fear of losing the proximity, intimacy and privacy with God.

Psalm 84:10 I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I would lose anything in the world than to lose my intimacy with you. Even if I let go of your hands, You please don’t let go of mine.  Amen    

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