23 March 2023 – Crosswords – Part 5

Joshua 2:2-4 Then the Lord said to Joshua, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and its fighting men. March around the city once with all the armed men. Do this for six days. Have seven priests carry trumpets of rams’ horns in front of the ark. On the seventh day, march around the city seven times, with the priests blowing the trumpets.

The word ‘fighter’ crosses the horizontal word ‘fitness’ in the divine crossword puzzle. To fight spiritual battles, we must be fit spiritually. The frail and feeble cannot fight battles.  A certain level of fitness is vital to be selected in the army. A strong physique and a tough mind is essential for a fighter both literally and spiritually. We don’t become fighters overnight. Regular and repeated exercise and a good diet makes us healthy and fit.

The Lord God put Joshua and his army on a spiritual fitness training session for 6 days before they could win the battle on the 7th day. They had to march around the fortified walled city of Jericho for six days in silence with the trumpets of rams’ horn blowing before the ark. Nothing happened, not a brick dislodged for six days as they marched round and around. The Lord was setting the rhythm, regularity, and repetition to strengthen their spiritual stamina. The fighters were becoming fit in their faith to see the walls come tumbling down. The Lord zipped their lips and disciplined their tongue from propagating disbelief and doubt.

Mind and mouth are two vital organs that must be trained to make us spiritual fighters. Fighters don’t allow their minds to meander or our mouths to mumble. Fighters are focused and fit. Spiritual battles can be won only when we learn to control our mind and our mouth. 

Horizontal and Vertical words in crosswords:

1.     Regularity: Regularity and consistency builds muscles. Regular prayer routine and consistent spiritual discipline fortifies spiritual physiques. Warriors exercise everyday, so do spiritual soldiers. Regularity in our spiritual discipline is the key to spiritual fitness. 

2.     Repetition: Joshua’s army was trained to repeat the same exercise for six days with no sign of victory. But on the 7th day, after the 7th round of silent marching the walls came down. Repeating the word of God and claiming the promises of God even when there are no signs of the miracle or the breakthrough. Memorizing God’s Word toughens our faith. Repetition of God’s promises is crucial for spiritual fitness.  

3.     Rewire: Rewiring our thought patterns and controlling our tongue does not happen overnight. Regularity and repetition rewires our mind and mouth to become fighters. Refraining from gossip, resisting injustice, and refusing to be judgmental will rewire us into focused fit fighters.   

Spiritual fitness is inevitable for a spiritual soldier to fight and win the battle. When fitness is the foundation, a fighter can never be defeated.

Joshua 6:5 When you hear them sound a long blast on the trumpets, have the whole army give a loud shout; then the wall of the city will collapse and the army will go up, everyone straight in.”

Prayer: Father God, teach me to work on my spiritual fitness and train me to be a fighter. Amen

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