26 March 2023 – Unanswered Questions – Part 1

Psalm 27:9 Do not hide your face from me, do not turn your servant away in anger; you have been my helper. Do not reject me or forsake me.

God is not obligated to answer all our questions. Even vibrant believers turn into agnostics or atheists when they don’t process disappointments and unanswered questions appropriately. Why should a young budding bubbly man die in a car accident? Why should an unexpected diagnosis hit a person at the prime of their life? Why a debilitating financial loss? Why a bitter breakup? Why a heartbreaking divorce? Why the long indefinite wait?

We might not be able to find answers to all our ‘whys’ but it is crucial to understand how to process unanswered prayers. The discombobulating why as a result of disappointment can cause depression.  David cried in frustration when his prophecy was delayed. David was ordained a king at around 15 years but was crowned as king over Israel at 30! For over a decade David was hunted like a wild boar by King Saul. As he was running for his life and in the midst of the discouragement he cried ‘why Lord’. After lamenting with inexplicable sorrow, he encouraged Himself by speaking to his soul, “wait, I say wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14).

When God is silent to our petition, it is important to trust that God knows best. God will seldom work in our timetable, but His timetable never misses God’s 1st best for us.

‘When you can’t feel His hands, trust His heart’ – Charles Spurgeon

Unanswered Questions:

1.     Past: Majority of the population live in their past glory. When life takes an unexpected twist they are stuck in the past and expect God to repeat the past over and over again. However, God works in seasons. David was King Saul’s commander-in-chief but was brutally driven out of his position and the palace. While David was wandering in the wilderness, God was preparing the crown for him. When we lose a worldly blessing, relationship or a position, God is preparing something better for us.  

2.     Present: Those who live ruminating about the past, miss the joy of the present. Saul was made a king overnight without any pruning or training and he turned out to be a self-centered monster. On the other hand, David was trained in the wilderness, hopelessness and brokenness for a decade and became the greatest King of Israel. Even when we don’t find any answers for the difficult path you are going through, just lean on His bosom. Problems with God are better than peacetime without God.

3.     Future: When you don’t find answers for the past or present distress, choose to trust God. ‘Psalms’ is a book of comfort only because David went through excruciating pain, rejection and unanswered questions just like you and me. David’s songs are packed with comfort and hope for a brighter future.  Your pain today will become powerful in the future and bless others.

Trust God even when He is silent.

James 4:10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, You are the answer to all my questions but even when you are silent. Give me the tenacity to hold on to you. Amen

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