31 March 2023 – Unanswered Questions – Part 6

Matthew 27:12-14 When he was accused by the chief priests and the elders, he gave no answer. Then Pilate asked him, “Don’t you hear the testimony they are bringing against you?” But Jesus made no reply, not even to a single charge—to the great amazement of the governor.

Jesus refused to defend or respond to the accusers. The envious religious leaders cooked up false accusations on Jesus but Jesus chose not to reply. One word from Jesus could have turned the table around however, Jesus made no reply. Have you wondered why Jesus chose not to defend Himself? If He had defended Himself, it would have defeated the very purpose for which He had come into this world. His defense would have defeated the plots and ploys of the chief priest and Pharisees but would have destroyed the very purpose for which He came into the world.  

Most times, when God chooses to be silent, it is simply because He wants us to understand His plan and move towards our purpose. If a job is keeping us too busy and steals our time with Him, our prayer to progress will not be answered. God will want us to have a balance and focus on our calling and our purpose. If a relationship is toxic and separating us from our family and truth, our prayers to strengthen the relationship will not be answered. Sometimes even our prayers for what appears to be good and noble in our eyes will remain unanswered as the Lord has a better and brighter plan for us. “Silence” is a very powerful and profound answer that directs us towards our God given destiny.   

God chooses not to answer some of our prayers as He has a better plan in store for us.

Unanswered Questions:

1.     Defend: If Jesus had chosen to defend Himself, we would not have redemption and salvation through the cross, the blood and His broken body. If God is silent without defending us and is allowing us to be broken, He is in the process of turning our brokenness into a blessing.  

2.     Direct: Silence is a direction. If we knock at the wrong door, God will choose to be silent and not open the door. Closed doors and silence from God are also divine directions to nudge us toward the right direction.

3.     Destiny: Unanswered prayers redirect us towards our destiny. Elijah was tired of serving God and was threatened by the wicked Queen hence, he prayed, “I have had enough, LORD,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors” (1 Kings 19:4). The Lord God who heard his prayer and stopped the rain and dew for 3 ½ years refused to answer this prayer, ‘Take my life’, as Elijah had unfinished work that he had to accomplish. Praise God that He does not answer our senseless and silly prayers.

God chooses not to answer in order to direct us towards our destiny.

Isaiah 53:7a He was beaten, he was tortured, but he didn’t say a word.

Prayer:  My Dearest Jesus, thank you for your grace that chooses not to answer my meaningless rant when I’m tired, threatened and tortured. Amen

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