06 April 2023 – Guilt – Part 5

1 John 3:20 If our hearts condemn us, we know that God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything.

Guilt and self-condemnation causes a dent in our soul. It is like a silent pain that can turn into chronic pain if it is not treated. The National Institute of Health says that ‘silent sufferers reported that pain interfered with their general activity and sleep to a level only slightly less than the chronic pain sufferers’.

Our heart tries to reason and analyze logically. Revisiting our mistakes and mishaps will break our heart. The silly errors or the people we have hurt or damaged can condemn us but the Word of God says, when our own human inquiry and investigation conclude that we are ‘damned’ and ‘doomed’, God is greater than our heart. He understands our weakness and is ready to negate the consequences of our sins with His blood. ‘Repentance’ with a determination never to turn back to our loathsome ways, inundates us with forgiveness. 

There was a woman who was caught in adultery red-handed and was dragged to the feet of Jesus. She would have been barraged with demeaning names, disgraced and shamed by a bunch of self-righteous violent men. The humiliation of being exposed in public would have traumatized her. Yet the words of Jesus overruled the ruling of the mockers. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” (John 8:10-11).  Jesus not only revoked the condemnation of the revilers but also set her free from self-condemnation. Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”   

Be set free from self-condemnation:

1.     False: Wallowing in self-condemnation of a sin that was forgiven is ‘false guilt’. Forgiveness is not a license to sin. Repeated sin (transgressions) will have its consequences. But living in condemnation of what has been covered by the blood of Jesus is false guilt. When demons cannot lure us into sin, they remind us of our past mistakes and mock us. Don’t give in to false condemnation of sins that have been forgiven.

2.     Forced: There are times when the viler and the violators force condemnation on us. Many times we see that the victims of abuse are forced to believe that they are the cause of the mistreatment. Crooks brainwash and shroud their victims with guilt and shame. If you tend to blame yourself for everything that goes wrong, you could be under the control of ‘forced guilt’. God is greater than the mockers and abusers.       

3.     Forgiven: The antidote to the silent sufferers of guilt and self-condemnation is ‘forgiveness’. The forgiveness that we receive in faith through the cross of Calvary is the balm that heals the chronic pain of guilt and shame. Don’t entertain self condemning thoughts; apply the blood.      

Apply the blood of Jesus over the chronic pain of guilt, shame and condemnation. The blood is the antidote to self-condemnation.

John 8:11 “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Prayer: My Redeemer Jesus, thank you for your hand that pulls me out of the pit of self-pity and guilt. Help me to apply the blood and be healed from the silent pain of guilt.  Amen.

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