08 April 2023 – Guilt – Part 7

Luke 23:34 And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they have not known what they do”.

Death sentence or lifetime imprisonment for a murderer cannot reverse the stain of sin. The penitence of the sinner cannot undo the consequences of the detestable action. No self imposed punishment can annul the atrocity of the crime. The law of the land or judiciary verdict cannot wipe away the weightiness of guilt. Guilt concealed over a very long time can become ‘chronic guilt’ which becomes a weapon in the hands of the demons to poke and provoke us with inadequacy and insecurity.

The first thing that Jesus addressed on the cross was ‘the issue of guilt’. He showered unlimited forgiveness lavishly on the mountain of guilt. Without the assurance that we have been forgiven, we will be stuck in the rut of shame. The forgiveness is available to everyone; to the believer and the non-believer alike. Forgiveness is like a gushing stream but only those who dip into the river of forgiveness that flows liberally from the cross will be delivered from guilt and shame.

Peter was crushed with guilt as he betrayed Jesus and was shrouded with shame as he caught the eyes of Jesus. The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter. Then Peter remembered the word the Lord had spoken to him…And he went outside and wept bitterly (Luke 22:61-62). Peter felt like a child who was caught stealing a cookie. He went and hid himself in shame. Those who carry guilt shy away from God’s presence and they would be unable to pray or connect with the Lord. Guilt is the insurmountable mountain that blocks us from the presence of God. If you are unable to commune with God and hear Him, check if there is a clog of guilt blocking the flow of communication. 

Jesus died to roll the mountain of guilt away. He calls a ‘wretch’, ‘worshipper’; a ‘betrayer’, ‘my beloved’ and the ‘rebel’, ‘my redeemed’!

Dip in the river of forgiveness and wash the stain of guilt away:

1.     Clog: Guilt is like the clog that blocks the arteries of our heart. If the clog is left unattended it will result in heart attack or even heart arrest. Likewise, if the clog of guilt is unattended, it will block our vision and connection with God. There is forgiveness for the most atrocious sin and the repentant sinner.

2.     Chronic-Cramp: Guilt is like a chronic spasm that incapacitates us. We will be restricted to pray bold prayers and testify courageously in faith if we carry the burden of guilt. Jesus said the golden words, “your sins are forgiven” (Luke 7:48) to the prostitute who was in chronic constant pang of guilt. The words of Jesus turned a wretch to a worshipper.       

3.     Cross: The heaviness of guilt dissipates under the shadow of the cross. Jesus carried the ruthless rugged cross to roll the weight of guilt away from us.      

The forgiveness that flows from the cross sets us free from all guilt, shame and stigma.

Ephesians 1:7 Through the blood of his Son, we are set free from our sins.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, thank you for setting me free from the clutches of guilt and the stronghold of shame and stigma. I will dip into the river of forgiveness every day.  Amen.

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