23 April 2023 – Environment – Part 1

2 Corinthians 9:8 God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.

The concept of “Sustainability” and being “Eco Friendly” gained popularity only 30 years ago. We have realized the importance of protecting our planet and conserving the resources of the earth. Avoidance of waste is a key factor of discussion by all corporate giants. The earth was becoming like a large dump yard. Overconsumption of the resources, pollution and deforestation are depleting the natural resources. If we don’t take corrective action now, we will run out of natural resources in less than a century.

As the air we breathe and the water we drink are vitally important to our physical bodies, God-rich environments are crucial for spiritual growth. If we are constantly surrounded and soaked in toxic and infiltrated environments our soul will feed on sweet poison which will ultimately destroy our spiritual growth. Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul (3 John 2). The prosperity of our soul is crucial for our holistic development. Complaining, grudging and fault-finding environments will make us grouchy and grumpy. Proud, pompous and boastful friendship circles will make us arrogant and ostentatious. Sinful and polluted environments are highly infectious. It is like the coronavirus. Even the strong and sturdy were infected in a virus-infested environment. We will smell like who we rub shoulders with. A God-rich environment enriches us spiritually and emotionally but a godless environment impoverishes our soul.             

The environment makes all the difference:

1.     Abound:   A God-rich environment abounds in grace, which means, the favour of God will be overflowing in a spiritually healthy atmosphere. Envy, gossip and quarrel will deplete the grace of God. An attitude of gratitude, thankfulness and appreciation will augment the grace of God.

2.     Addict: Addiction indicates ‘dependency’ on anyone or anything. We can never overdose ourselves on talking about Jesus or meditating on His Word. Dependence on people or substances will destroy us. Worrying will deflate us but worship will inspire and ignite our faith. Become a Jesus addict.   

3.     Anchor: Be anchored on what God has spoken and not the predictions or the prognosis. “Hope we have as an anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast (Hebrews 6:19). The tone and the topic that we ruminate and repeat will echo the pulse of our soul. When our hope is on God’s promise, we will only speak prophetically over our future. However if our anchor is on our job, bank balance or our IQ, we will reverberate reality and not destiny. Be anchored on Christ and His Word.

God-rich environments will nourish our faith and nurture our hope, but godless environments will malnourish our soul.

2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, teach me to sever connections that drain my faith and help me to be grafted into God-rich environments.  Amen.

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