25 April 2023 – Environment – Part 3

Acts 1:4 He gave them this command: “Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about. For John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.”

The last command of Jesus to over 500 disciples who met the resurrected Saviour was to remain in Jerusalem until they received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. This was a conditional instruction. The Lord did not say that they must never leave Jerusalem or that Jerusalem will be their headquarters; He said, ‘wait in Jerusalem for the promise to be fulfilled.’ The Lord kept the like-minded newborn believers huddled together just to build them in the most holy faith. The disciples were terrified of the Jewish religious bureaucrats and the Roman authorities. The followers of Jesus were fearful of persecution and death sentences. Hence the Lord clustered them in an environment that will build confidence, courage and congruence.

Most Jewish homes had an upper room and 120 disciples gathered in a large room on the mezzanine floor. However there were 420 missing of the 500 disciples who received the instructions from Jesus. This was the last and the most important instruction from Jesus that was going to promote and propel them into action but those who failed to be planted in a God-rich environment did not get filled with the fire anointing that came down upon the 120 disciples who were obedient and resilient.  

“After all you become the company you keep”. It is important to be rooted in environments that will fulfill our purpose. Bad company corrupts good character” (1 Corinthians 15:33). Fellowships and friendships that distract and derail are unhealthy environments that will waste our time, talents and destroy our testimony. If any relationship is disheartening or emotionally damaging, stop and rethink about that fellowship. 

God-rich environment propel us towards our purpose:

1.     Meditate: God-rich environments will plant seeds of purpose, self-worth and purity. Plant and meditate on God-rich thoughts. We can have fun without perversion or profanity. Many are under the false illusion that we cannot have fun without vulgar jokes or obscene language. Jesus was very joyful and so were His disciples. We meditate on the seed of thoughts that are dropped into our heart by the environment we are in. ‘The sweet spices of divine works must be beaten to powder by meditation, and then laid up in the cabinet of our memories’- Abraham Wright. So, remain in an environment that sows good seeds.   

2.     Mend: God-rich environment mends the bent areas of our life. The disciples gathered together, prayed and praised God as they waited for the day of Pentecost. No one preached messages of confidence but as they remained in a God-rich environment their fear and dread turned into courage and confidence.

3.     Marinate: God-rich environments soaks us in the perfume of godliness and holiness. After marinating for ten days in the upper room, the disciples were glowing with godly glory. Ten days of saturation in God’s presence turned the petrified disciples into powerful preachers.  

God-rich environments turn empty lifestyles into purposeful living.

Acts 2:7 Utterly amazed, they asked: “Aren’t all these who are speaking Galileans?

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, give me the discernment to remain in God-rich environments and dislodge myself from toxic entanglements.  Amen

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