26 April 2023 – Environment – Part 4

Genesis 8:6&7 After forty days Noah opened a window he had made in the ark and sent out a raven, and it kept flying back and forth until the water had dried up from the earth.

Reading through the account of Noah would be like watching a Disney movie. One of the amazing creations directed by the Chief Architect is the Ark of Noah. The Ark was built without any modern equipment or technology; however, it protected Noah and his family along with the animals, birds and every living creature from the great flood. Noah had food for the animals, birds, reptiles and the amphibians in the ark. When the waters receded he first sent a raven and it kept flying back and forth. Ravens are scavenger birds. They feed on carcasses and corpses. Even though there was abundance of food in the ark, the raven could not stop feeding on the decaying bodies. “You are what you eat” is true both literally and spiritually. 

Human body is built with what we feed ourselves with. If we feed on junk, our body will use the junk to construct and replace our cells and hormones. Similarly, our spiritual man is constructed with what we feed our soul with. The raven that fed on dead cadaver reproduced a scavenger generation. Ravens are unclean birds (Leviticus 11:15) as it feeds on remains and rubbish. The entertainment that we choose will change our environment. The food we feed our soul is the substratum or foundation on which our future will be built. 

You are what you eat:

1.     Fodder: There was fodder in the Ark but the raven chose to feed on the rotting dead bodies. The choices that feed our soul will shape our future. Eating fast food will increase the risk of cholesterol, diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Similarly, feeding our soul with the clutter of gossip or unwanted images will block the blood flow to our soul. Feed your soul with healthy food from God’s Word.     

2.     Frivolous: Frivolous and careless choices will make our future frail. Contrary to the ravens, the dove returned back to the ark when it could not find a place to rest. But the dove could find nowhere to perch because there was water over all the surface of the earth; so it returned to Noah in the ark (Genesis 8:9). Raven is the symbol of death but dove is the symbol of peace. Our choices today will influence our generations to come.  

3.     Foster: Our future is determined by the environment we foster today. Foster a healthy family, work and social environment. Cultivate healthy communication, respectful confrontations and God-rich disciplines. Rome wasn’t built in a day. A progressive God-rich environment will nourish everyone who steps into it. Even passers-by will be blessed by us.

God-rich environments are cultivated by feeding on healthy soul-food and making the right choices of entertainment and engagement.

Psalm 1:3 He shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.

Prayer: Father in Heaven, I surrender every negative, notorious and noxious thought that could corrupt my soul. Lead me to feed on God-rich healthy soul-food.  Amen

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