27 April 2023 – Environment – Part 5

Daniel 6:10 “Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before.”

An atmosphere of prayer creates a God-rich environment. Daniel was taken captive by the King Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem into the palatial palace of the Babylonian citadel. The cultural shock, the pagan practices and an environment of revelry could not infect Daniel as he created a God-rich environment of prayer even in the heathen land. He was far away from the temple in Jerusalem but he became the temple and the dwelling place of the Lord. He carried the presence of the Lord into the courtroom where he worked as the chief adviser to the king. Being in the mode of prayer and engaging in constant communication with the Lord 24/7 creates a God-rich environment.

No matter where we are or how difficult the circumstance around us is, when we enter a place with prayer, praise and thanksgiving it would turn the air-con on.  The scorching heat of argument, anger and animosity will calm down when we turn up the mode of praise and prayer. Daniel took tea breaks to go to his upper room to pray three times a day but he was always in the mode of prayer as he excelled in all that he did. They could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful; nor was there any error or fault found in him (Daniel 6:4b). Favour of God is around those who fear him. Reverential fear of God will keep us close and intimate to Him producing a God-rich environment.

Create a God-rich environment:

1.     Create: Daniel took the presence of the Lord everywhere he went. He was snatched away from his family and stripped away from all godly relationships. Except for few pious Jewish friends he had no church gatherings or conventions; no Rabbis, teachers, mentors, guides or pastors to lead him. Yet, he was able to create an environment of prayer and flourished in the pagan land. We can do the same in the secular world and in our secular jobs as well. Take tea breaks to talk to the Lord and His presence will invade into your classrooms, lunchrooms and boardrooms.     

2.     Converse: Constant communication with the Lord brought the presence of the Lord into his workplace. No one could stand before his wisdom or find fault with him. The way to combat confrontation and competition at work is to be in constant consultation and conversation with the Lord. No one will outsmart us when we are continuously conversing with the Lord.   

3.     Climate: The remote to change the temperature of the environment that we are in is in our hands. The heat of anger or the cold of animosity will be changed by the warmth of God’s presence. ‘Praying in the spirit at all times’ in all places is the climate control remote that influences our environment.  

Create a God-rich environment by constant prayer and communication with the Lord. Talk more to Him than to the people around you.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing.

Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, make me a prayer warrior like Daniel to change the atmosphere in all places and create a God-rich, healthy environment.  Amen.

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