04 May 2023 – Storytelling – Part 5

2 Corinthians 1:20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.

God has concluded our life story even before we were born. All the days ordained for me were recorded in your scroll before one of them came into existence (Psalm 139:16). The Lord God who created us has thought about every little detail in our life. Every phase of our life has been well written in His books. All the provisions we need to overcome the challenges that we face have been deposited into our account. The spiritual gifts, talents and tenacity that we need have been deposited in our bank account and the blank cheque/ATM card to make withdrawals is 2 Corinthians 1:20. God’s plan for our life is good and not evil. God has written the last chapter of our life even before we were born. When we understand this truth, no matter where we are in life we will not fret, fume or fumble. God’s Word is His story but our story is hidden in His story. He will lead us chapter by chapter, page by page when we are in constant communication with Him.

The author of Psalm 90 was Moses. He prayed an astounding prayer which must be our prayer every day –Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom (Psalm 90:12). If we understand the chapter that we are in, we will not be traumatized by qualm or queries. The biography of Moses can be divided into three major sections – ‘Moses as a Prince’, ‘Moses as a Shepherd’ and ‘Moses as the Deliverer and Pastor of Israel’. Bible scholars believe that Psalm 90 was written when Moses saw the disobedient generation perishing in the wilderness. God has written a beautiful story of victory, success and glory for each one of us. We must understand where we are in the storyline in order to reach the conclusion that God has for us. God’s Word and His promises reveal God’s plan for our lives.   

God has already written the last chapter of our life:

1.     Undergird: Undergird is a term used to secure or fasten a ship especially with ropes and chains underneath. The rope and chain that ties us together from fluttering and falling is God’s Word. When we walk according to His Word, we cannot walk away from the plan that God has for us. Disobedience will make us step outside God’s storyline.    

2.     Underline: Underline the pages of your success and victories and recollect them every time you face challenges. Jesus never fails. He will repeat the success at a higher level.

3.     Understand: Understand the chapter of your life. God’s story always ends in victory so the current challenge is only gravitating you and me towards success.     

Understand the chapter you are in.

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to understand your success storyline for my life that I might fully accomplish all the plans you have for me. Amen.

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