24 May 2023 – Delight in the Lord – Part 4

Hebrews 11:5b For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.

God delights in those who walk with Him and walk in His ways. It pleases the heart of God when we choose right from wrong, truth over white lies and godliness over petty pleasures. Enoch was a man who walked with God. Very little is spoken about Enoch in the Bible. We know that he was a family man who walked scrupulously in the ways of the Lord. And Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years, and begat sons and daughters (Genesis 5:22). He had challenges and responsibilities just like you and me, yet, he chose to hang out with God regularly which ‘greatly pleased or delighted the heart of God.

What does it mean to walk with God? When you go for a walk with someone, you rub shoulders with them. You cannot enjoy your walk with someone who walks at a different pace and speed. You cannot walk with someone who is arguing or angry all the time. Likewise walking with God is to chill-out with Jesus. It is a time of consultation and comfort. We share everything that is bubbling and burdening our heart and take wise counsel from the Lord. Enoch took frequent breaks during his day to go for a walk with God. His daybreaks, tea breaks and lunch breaks were in the woods with Jesus. He delighted in the company of the Saviour more than the companionship of his comrades.

Those who choose to walk with God will not waste time with the gossip gangs or mockers. Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night (Psalm 1:1-2). The category of the “wicked” does not mean violent, evil and abusive people, it also includes ‘gossipers, mockers and slanderers’ who waste time talking about others. ‘Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events and small minds discuss people’.

Three ways to walk with God:

1.     Meditate: Meditate on His Word day and night. Pick a verse and recollect it in the shower, while driving, during your coffee break and while you’re stuck in the traffic. When our heart is filled with His Word, our feet will walk in His ways.    

2.     Mediate: If you don’t know what to pray, ask the Holy Spirit to burden you with what burdens God’s heart. Become a mediator for the lost, the lonely and the lewd.     

3.     Mitigate: Stop praying only for yourself, your needs, finance, visa or your children. Start praying for others and your nation. The Lord said to Abraham, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.” (Genesis 18:32b). God fearing prayer warriors mitigate the judgment that is lurking over our nations.

God delights in those who walk with the Spirit (walk with Him).

Galatians 5:16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Prayer: Father God, I love your Word as it brings life, peace and joy into my troubled heart. Amen.

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