01 June 2023 – Impossible – Part 5

Matthew 14:28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.”

“God will dare to do the impossible in your life if you dare to step across the faith line.” — Kenneth Copeland

The impossibilities will become divine opportunities only to those who dare to run across the faith line. If we want a trouble-free and challenge-free life we will never dare to step over the faith line. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1). Hence faith is living in the promise before we see the evidence. The substance that energizes faith is the Word of God. His promises fuel the fire of faith in us.

Peter saw Jesus doing the impossible. He saw Jesus walking on the water and said, “Tell me to come to you on the water.” The substratum of faith is God’s Word. Peter wanted to hear it from the mouth of Jesus. If God has spoken a Word then it is done. We don’t need prophecies every weekend to confirm what God has spoken. He will watch over His word to fulfill every part of the promise including the suffix, prefix, comma and the semicolon. Peter crossed the ‘faith line’ and stepped into the raging sea at the Word of Jesus. “Come,” He said (vs 29). If God speaks to you to start a ministry, venture into a business or migrate to another country, He is urging you to trust Him and cross the ‘faith line’. ‘The reward of obedience is always in the backend’. The reward will not be in the vicinity when God calls us to obey. Faith is activated when we obey God. To be certain that God has spoken to you, read the Word of God and He will reiterate what He has spoken through the written Word. Step over the line of faith and see God doing the impossible in your life.     

Dare to step across the faith line to make the impossible, possible:

1.     Substance: The ‘substance’ or the ‘subject matter’ of faith is in God’s promise. Don’t doubt what He has spoken while waiting. Peter stepped into the water at God’s Word but when he saw the wind and the waves he started sinking. Suggestions from people and social media could make us sink into doubt and apprehension. Set your mind on God’s promise until you see it fulfilled.          

2.     Substratum: The substratum or the solid rock that we stand on can never be moved. For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name (Psalm 138:2b). Heaven and earth will pass away but His Word will stand.

3.     Step: The impossible will never become possible until we obey and step into the waters. God will give us the vision and He will bring His vision to fruition only when we step out and stand boldly on faith. The one who gives us the vision will also give us the provision.  

God is looking for someone to step across the faith line to do the impossible.

Matthew 14:31 “You of little faith,” He said, “why did you doubt?”

Prayer: Jesus my Saviour, give me the courage to step out into the impossibility on the substratum/solid rock of your promises. Amen.

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