10 June 2023 – The Hand of the Lord – Part 7

Isaiah 40:12 Who has measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, or with the breadth of His hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?

The size of the hand of the Lord is beyond human comprehension. The average size of a man’s hand is about 7.6 inches. The largest human hands in history were about 12.75 inches of Robert Wadlow who was 8 feet and 11.09 inches tall. However the hand of God can measure the seas and the oceans in ‘the hollow of His hands’. The ‘breadth of the hand’ or the ‘hand span’ is the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger with the hand fully extended. The universe was measured and marked by the hand span of God; He hand-marked the streets of heaven. His hands can hold the dust of the earth and the vast desert sand in a bucket or a basket and He has weighed the lofty mountains in His measuring scale! This is a figurative explanation to understand the power, might and splendor that is hidden in the hands of our Almighty God.

Our future is in the hands of those Almighty Hands. Our provisions, profile and promotions are in His hands. He has determined who we should be or what we should have. No man can give it to us and no demon can take it away from us. When this truth resonates in our heart and mind we will not be troubled at turpitude. If we miss an opportunity, God’s hand has stopped it to take us to a better prospect.         

In God’s hands:

1.     Hollow: The Lord can hold the expanse of the waters in the hollow of His hands and He filled the Pacific, Atlantic and the Indian Ocean. Those hands measure the wealth and wisdom for each one of us. Stop praying small prayers. God’s hands are way bigger than the petty prayers that we pray for money, mortgage or marriage. A single deposit of health, wealth and wisdom from the hollow of His hands will drown us for a thousand generations.        

2.     Hand Span: The Lord who has measured the universe with the span of His hand has measured and marked our growth in all aspects of our life. So, don’t limit God with mediocre prayers. The fruit on the top of the tree or the height of success that is impossible to reach is only a hand span for the Lord.  

3.     Heavy Lifting: The Lord has specialized in heavy lifting. He has a record of the weight of every mountain and hill. His hands make us great and give us strength to accomplish all that we are called to do.

Everything we need is hidden in the hollow of His hands. Fixate your eyes on His Mighty Hands.

1 Chronicles 29:12) In Your hands are power and might; in Your hands it is to make great and to give strength to all.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, imprint  in my heart the ‘size, power and authority’ that flows from your Almighty hands that I may never look to man for favour ever again. Amen.

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