11 June 2023 – Continually – Part 1

Isaiah 58:11 The Lord will guide you continually, And satisfy your soul in drought, And strengthen your bones; You shall be like a watered garden, And like a spring of water, whose waters do not fail.

‘Continually’ is repetition without interruption, constantly. This is a conditional promise. God can guide only those who seek Him and consult Him about everything. His guidance can be uninterrupted only when the connection and consultation with the Lord is constant and continuous.

Dr. Elliot Ludvig from Warwick’s Department of Psychology along with colleagues from Princeton and Brown Universities has created a model to prove that repetitions form good or bad habits. ‘You can hack your brain to form good habits — like going to the gym and eating healthily — simply by repeating actions until they stick, according to new psychological research involving the University of Warwick’.  

For the Lord to guide us continually, we must develop the habit of constant and continuous communication with Him. Make new habits of involving Him in everything you do and break the old habits of anxiety and worry. This includes a regular pattern of fasting, prayer and quiet time with the Lord but most importantly a habit of being ‘God Consciousness’ 24/7. Being ‘God Conscious’ not only in our prayer closet or church but being aware of His presence and guidance throughout the day – in a business meeting, at the supermarket or in a casual catch-up at the coffee shop. We don’t forget God when we get into the routine of the day but we are not consciously conversing with Him as we are distracted by people, problems or perturbations.          

God’s continuous guidance:

1.     Seek: The Holy Spirit is a gentleman. He will not scream His opinion into our ears. We must tune our spiritual ears to be sensitive to hear Him even when we are in a bustling business conversation. Develop the habit of having a live conversation with Him about everything. He gives the best medical, financial, emotional or spiritual advice to those who continually seek Him.        

2.     Satisfy: Our soul will be satisfied meaning we will not be disturbed or discombobulated by anything that happens around us. Don’t allow the disappointment, dissolution or depression to bog you down but connect with Him to find springs of water. We will be thriving, progressing and flourishing even during recession, dryness or depression.   

3.     Strengthen: Bones give structure and stature to the body. Likewise God’s continuous guidance will make us strong and shape our future. His soft whispers will strengthen our ebbing faith and lead us to the springs of water that never goes dry. Continuous guidance from the Lord will help us to tap into the resources of heaven and turn us into a well-watered flowering and fruitful garden.      

Develop the habit of ‘God Consciousness’. God’s constant and continual guidance will make us resourceful, useful and fruitful.

Leviticus 26:3-4 If you follow my decrees and are careful to obey my commands, I will send you rain in its season, and the ground will yield its crops and the trees their fruit.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, give me a deep desire longing to communicate and consult with you continually. Lead me to the springs that do not dry up so I may become a verdant garden. Amen.

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