13 June 2023 – Continually – Part 3

Exodus 27:20 “You shall command the children of Israel, that they bring to you pure olive oil beaten for the light, to cause a lamp to burn continually.

The Old Testament is a shadow of the New Testament reality. The ‘pure olive oil’ represents the Holy Spirit. In the tabernacle olive oil was used for two main purposes – firstly to keep the lamp burning continually and secondly to anoint priests, people and the pulpit/altar.  This was not the canola oil from the shelves of the supermarket. The oil used in the tabernacle was pure olive oil.

We need the presence of the Holy Spirit continually. Anointing is not a one time event. It is a continuous, relational reciprocation and communion with the Holy Spirit. The oil must be replenished daily to keep the lamp burning continuously. “Command the Israelites to bring you clear oil of pressed olives for the light so that the lamps may be kept burning continually” (Leviticus 24:2). It was hard work. They had to harvest ripe olives, press, crush and squeeze the oil every morning. Fresh clear oil was brought by the people to keep the lamp burning continually.

The power of the Holy Spirit can flow through our lives only through our regular communion with the Lord. It is hard work to wake you up when the body wants another 5 minutes in the bed.  Five minute snooze turns into 45 minutes of extra sleep which then cuts into our prayer time. Then there will be no time to press fresh clear olive to produce oil. Start and end your day with quality time in His presence to be enlightened in your heart and spirit.

Is your lamp burning continually?

1.     Press: To shine for Jesus requires dedication and devotion. Daily and regular prayer and fasting enlightens the eyes of our heart. Without the light from the lamp our hearts will be darkened. Decisions will be discombobulated and direction will be lost. But when we shine brighter and brighter others will benefit from our light. Prayer will rejuvenate and rekindle the power of the Holy Spirit.          

2.     Prioritize: To keep the lamp in our heart burning bright, we must prioritize prayer over any other engagements or entertainments. Our day should be scheduled around our prayer time with the Lord. ‘I am so busy now that if I did not spend three hours each day in prayer, I could not get through the day’ – Martin Luther. Prayer must be our priority on extremely busy days.

3.     Pray: Prayer is a conversation. Allow the Holy Spirit to talk, refresh and rejuvenate. Spend time listening to what He has to say. We can’t do this if we are in a hurry. So, stay longer enough for the fire of the Holy Spirit to be rekindled.

Have a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit to keep the light in your heart burning.

Exodus 30:7 Aaron … shall burn it every morning when he trims the lamps.

Prayer: Sweet Holy Spirit, give me the tenacity to prioritize and build close communion with you to keep the lamp in my heart glowing continually. Amen.

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