06 July 2023 – The Secret of Secrecy – Part 5

2 Corinthians 9:10 Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

‘Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant’ – Robert Louis Stevenson

Deeds are seeds that we sow into our future. The secret of multiplication is hidden in the seeds that we sow today. Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously (2 Corinthians 9:6). Seeds are not just restricted to money; seeds of time, love, kindness, forgiveness, empathy, goodness and righteousness will shape our future. The harvest that we are enjoying today is the seeds that we sowed in the past. Deeds are seeds.

Wise farmers will say, “Don’t eat all your seeds”. If we eat all our seeds then, we are setting ourselves up for failure and will have no hope for the future. God has given supplies of seeds to invest and to enjoy. Invest time in reading the scriptures and thought provoking, knowledgeable, educative material, at least for a few minutes every day. Be quick to forgive. Honour your parents and people in authority. Never forget the impoverished. True religion is caring for the needy and the lonely (James 1:27). Tithing and giving is not just our duty but an investment into our future.  The world teaches us to be selfish, hoard and accumulate but the Word of God teaches us to invest, grow and multiply. The deeds we choose today are the seeds that we sow into our future.                

The secret of multiplication:

1.     Priorities: Priorities help us to esteem purpose over pleasure and destiny over distractions. Priorities will determine if we will ‘eat’ or ‘invest’ the seed of time, money and relationships. The secret of a wise, wealthy and healthy future is determined by our priorities.  

2.     Place: The place where we are planted is the seeding ground. We are strategically positioned in our family and community. You are not married to the wrong person and you are not in the wrong job. Invest into your spouse, children, colleagues and comrades. Grass is always greener on the other side. There are only two kinds of people we should entertain – those we can invest into and those we can learn from. People who waste our time in lousy gossip, frivolous conversations and unwholesome habits are eating the seed and destroying our future.     

3.     Power: The power of multiplication is within us. We have the power to choose our thoughts, time and talk. We have the power to accept or reject the opinions, advice and influence of people. We can always eat the meat and spit the bones or grouch about the bones and waste our time. The power to choose good or bad, fruitfulness or futility is hidden with us.  

Don’t eat all your seed. The secret of multiplication is hidden in the seeds of deeds we sow today.

Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

Prayer: Dearest Holy Spirit,teach me the secret of multiplication. Help me to set my priorities right so that my deeds will become seeds of investment into my future. Amen.

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