13 July 2023 – Expectations – Part 5

1 Samuel 17:38-39 Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them. “I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off.

“You don’t have to carry the weight of other people’s expectations”.

The expectations of people can suffocate us. We can be chocked by the expectations of our spouse, children, family, friends or employers. It is not wrong to understand the expectations of others but we can never live a wholesome life if we are constantly burdened by the expectations of others. “Expectations” in general are basic KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Expectation of a spouse to be loving, faithful and transparent is a fundamental foundation of marriage. The rudimentary expectation of an employer would be to meet deadlines and deliverables. Such expectations help us to stretch and grow. However, unreal or unethical expectations are weighty and can crush growth. An expectation to perform like our sibling or our spouse would kill originality. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14a). We are created with unique gifts and talents. Comparison and compromise to fit into someone else’s shoes will kill our personality.    

A gift is our natural ability and will never be burdensome. Don’t be burdened by the talents of others, find your own. “A man’s gift makes room for him” (Proverbs 18:16).

King Saul tried to dress David in his tunic, coat and bronze helmet. The Bible does not say that David was too small to fit into Saul’s breastplate. It only says, he was not used to them. He was not trained to fight with the shield and sword however he was skillful with stones and his slingshot. He refused to use the prestigious coat of the king but put on the skills of a shepherd boy and defeated the giant. We will be outstanding in our God given skills. Find your skills, calling and talents and fine-tune your aptitude.        

Don’t be crushed under the expectations of people:

1.     Strength: The strength of others could be our weakness. Enjoy the strength of others and don’t give room for envy or comparison. We are only anointed with grace to outshine in our gifting.        

2.     Skills: Know your skills and sharpen them. David practiced by aiming at the fruit on the tree with his slingshot, so when the ravaging beast attacked his flock he could strike it on the forehead and kill it. Sharpen your skills in obscurity and God will prepare a podium to perform.                         

3.     Suit: You can never be comfortable in another man’s suit. People will try to make us imitate and follow them. Heroes and heroines, celebrities’ even pastors, leaders and prophets will disappoint us. It is important to learn from others but crucial to embrace our distinctive God-given abilities.         

Don’t let the expectations of others crush your God-given skills and talents.

Romans 12:6a We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, help me to cherish and grow in my gifting and talents to bring glory to you. Amen.

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