14 July 2023 – Expectations – Part 6

Acts 14:9-10 He listened to Paul as he was speaking. Paul looked directly at him, saw that he had faith to be healed and called out, “Stand up on your feet!” At that, the man jumped up and began to walk.

“Live in a constant state of expectancy, and leave room for God to come in as He decides.” — Oswald Chambers

Expectation makes room for the blessings. Excitement helps expectations to grow. Being in a constant state of expectancy will enlarge our hope, strengthen our faith, and invite the power of God. The power of excitement can shatter dark barriers, doubts and dubious deliberations.  Paul was preaching in Lystra and Derbe which are situated in modern day Turkey. This was not a well prepared, publicized and organized meeting. As Paul travelled God gave him the grace to preach in the synagogues and street corners and bring thousands to the kingdom of light. There was a man born lame listening to Paul’s preaching. Paul might have been preaching on faith or healing through the stripes of Christ Jesus and the man listening to Paul intently. His ‘listening with expectation’ caught the attention of the preacher. Paul stopped his preaching as he was captivated that the expectation of the lame had augmented his faith and made room for the healing. So, Paul called out, “Stand up on your feet!” The power of God swept through the bones, joints, muscles and ankles of the man and he jumped up on his feet. It is easier to jump while we are standing than in the sitting posture and this man has only been sitting all his life! The expectation of this man energized him to leap up like a springboard. Expectation fueled faith and ignited the anointing for a miracle.

Get excited about your difficult impossibilities that you face. An impossible situation creates expectation for God to do a miracle. Pray bold prayers and expect the miracle working power to penetrate through the gloom and light up the doom. Increase your expectations on God when things go from bad to worse. ‘Greater your expectations, bigger your miracle’.  

Expectations make room for the miracle:

1.     Excite: When we face challenges, there are two roads to choose – ‘road of excitement’ or ‘road of discouragement’. Road of excitement takes us to the miracle but the road of discouragement leads to depression. Choose the road of excitement.          

2.     Enlarge: Excitement enlarges our faith. The key to excitement is to take our eyes away from our problem and look into God’s power. What you think and ponder about, grows. Our faith grows as we meditate on God’s omnipotence and His power will inundate us with miracles.                        

3.     Empower: Excitement empowers, but dissuasion depowers faith. Excitement solidifies ‘faith’ which is a conduit of God’s power. When hopelessness screams disaster, pump yourself up with excitement. God is at work to do the miracle.            

Expectation inflates hope and ignites the fire of faith. Expectation makes room for the miracle.

Psalm 9:10 God has never forsaken those who diligently seek Him. Those who trust in Him will never be abandoned.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, guide me to choose the road of excitement and shut the door of discouragement. Inflame my excitement so my faith would make room for the miracle.  Amen.

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