19 July 2023 – Spiritual Warfare – Part 4

Job 2:7 So satan went out from the presence of the Lord and afflicted Job with painful sores from the soles of his feet to the crown of his head.

Not all sickness is a spiritual attack, but there are times when we are attacked in our physical body. When satan could not take gratitude from the heart and praise from the lips of Job, he tormented his body. The devil will first tamper our mind and then torture our body. This is why stress is the root cause for most physical ailments. Job not only had loathsome sores all over his body but they were extremely painful. This means he could not sit or sleep. He could not even take a walk to the city square to vent his feelings. The sores were even in the soles of his feet! However, Job did not complain or question God. In all this, Job did not sin in what he said (Job 2:10b).

Not every cold, flu or sneeze is a spiritual attack however, if we see a pattern of sickness, repetition or wasting disease then it is important to give it a thought. God’s grace and blessings cascade through generations. His faithfulness continues through all generations (Psalm 100:5b). The devil is an impersonator. He does not have any originality in Him. He copies the pattern of heaven and inflicts and impedes in patterns. This is why the doctors check bloodline disorders such as blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes or psychopathy before treating a patient.

We don’t have to inherit a heart condition, hypertension or haemorrhoids from our grandparents or parents. Fight against any bloodline conditions that chase you like the Pharaoh. Accepting Jesus infuses His blood with our genetic blood and changes our inheritance and health. We have healing for every kind of sickness through His stripes as He bore all our sickness in His body.   

Healthy heritage is a spiritual battle:

1.     Repetition: Fight against repeated conditions that have come down the family line. Repetition of illness, death, bareness or chronic fatigue is not a genetic condition, but a generational curse. Break it through fasting and prayer. The Pharaoh was drowned in the Red Sea. Likewise water baptism severs any bloodline disorders.                  

2.     Restraint: Fight against any health condition that restricts or restrains you from functioning normally. If the health condition stops us from serving our family and God, go to war with it in fasting and prayer. Surround yourselves with likeminded prayer warriors and win the spiritual battle.                          

3.     Resilience: Overcoming the physical alignment will heal us physically or build our resilience spiritually. Paul was not healed of the thorn in his flesh but God’s strength enabled him to accomplish his God given mission. In fact, he had an in-house doctor, Dr. Luke travelling with him. (Even in the last epistle of Apostle Paul to Timothy, he mentions, Only Luke is with me (2 Timothy 4:22a)). Paul was not healed yet, there was no other apostle as resilient as the Apostle Paul.               

Resist genetic disorders and overcome the spiritual battles.

2 Timothy 4:7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Prayer: Dearest Lord Jesus, give me the dogmatic toughness to overcome any genetic or repetitive disorder or illness through your blood.  Amen.

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