21 July 2023 – Spiritual Warfare – Part 6

Proverbs 27:4 Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?

“Jealousy is an inner consciousness of one’s own inferiority. It is a mental cancer.” — B.C. Forbes.

Envy is the disgraceful battle of the soul. Envious thoughts are like poisonous arrows that are aimed directly at the heart to pollute the lifeblood with venom. Forbes calls it mental cancer! The poisonous sting of cancer obliterated the lineage of King Saul. Saul was very angry; this refrain displeased him greatly. “They have credited David with tens of thousands,” he thought, “but me with only thousands. What more can he get but the kingdom?” (1 Samuel 18:8). Behind the reaction of anger and animosity there lies the dragon of jealousy. The slow death of his reign began with the seed of envy.

Gangs of demons who inject envious thoughts are assigned to fill us with depravity in comparison with others around us. Their aim is to make us feel miserable at the promotion of another. They inflict fear, insecurity and low self-esteem. “Self pity” is an after effect of envy. We see another envious king, King Ahab who coveted the vineyard of Naboth. The vineyard of Naboth has been discovered by archeologists on the hills just above the ancient winery at Tel Jezreel. Ahab eyed with envy the prolific vineyard of Naboth and wanted to turn it into a vegetable garden! The best suitable locations for vineyards are on hilly slopes but veggie patches can be planted anywhere. Naboth was from the family of Joseph and the blessing of his forefather was evident in the fertile inheritance of Naboth. “Joseph is a fruitful vine” (Genesis 49:22a). Naboth carried a special anointing of a ‘vigneron’, but Ahab’s anointing was kingship.  However, Ahab envied the flourishing fruitful vineyard of Naboth and envy turned him into a ruthless murderer. 

Overcoming envy is a spiritual battle:

1.     Agitation: Agitation or unrest is the first sign of envy which will turn into arrogance and animosity. Praying and blessing those whom we are envious about pours water on the fire of jealousy and quenches it.                     

2.     Analyze: Analyzing why another person was blessed with the blessing that we were praying and waiting for will not help. It will push us into sulking and self-pity. We can never understand God’s mind and mercy. Stop analyzing; appreciate and applaud the success of others.                              

3.     Anointing: Anointing is unique for each person.  Ahab coveted for something that he was not anointed for but failed miserably as the king. Hence his envy turned the very land that he coveted into his son’s graveyard. Ahab’s son and successor, Joram, was killed and his body thrown in Naboth’s vineyard (2 Kings 9:25). Discover what you are anointed for and leverage your calling. Don’t envy the success, calling or promotion of others.                  

Wrath is ruthless but envy is cancerous. The chemo to kill the cancer of envy is praise and worship. A grateful heart will never entertain the demons who provoke envious thoughts.  

Proverbs 14:30 “A peaceful mind gives life to the body, but jealousy rots the bones.”

Prayer: Father God, give me the sharpness to reject the cancerous, envious and hideous thoughts and replace them with gratitude, thanksgiving, worship and adoration.  Amen

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