22 July 2023 – Spiritual Warfare – Part 7

Daniel 10:13 But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia.

“Every source of blessing is a point of attack.” ― David McGee   

Spiritual warfare is a battle between the Kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness; between truth and deception. When we accept Christ as our Saviour we openly declare war on hell. When we are baptized in water and the spirit we move to the forefront of the fierce battle.  So there is a constant war in the spirit realm and a constant attack on all our beloved, blessings and belongings.

Soldiers in a battlefield sleep in their boots, fully armed ready to plunge into action when attacked. Similarly, we cannot slack or sleep in the spiritual realm. Great will be the loss of those who rest when they have to be alert. Be alert, be on watch! (Peter 5:8). Put on the full armour of God and never remove the helmet of salvation or the shoes of peace.  Clutch on to your sword even when you sleep. If the devil attacks with a dreadful dream and wakes you up with a nightmare, start declaring the word of God, I will not die but live, and will proclaim what the LORD has done (Psalm 118:17). Silence the alarming fearful thoughts with God’s Word and defeat the enemy.

Daniel received firsthand information from Angel Gabriel about the spiritual battle that was happening in the heavens above him while he was on 21 days of fasting and prayer. This is not a one-off battle in the spiritual realm. There is a constant attack on God’s children. However, those who have a consistent prayer life, constant communication with the Holy Spirit and an obedient lifestyle have an army of the angels protecting their territory. No demonic enemy can sneak-in, touch, steal or destroy when our territory is fortified by prayer and fenced by fasting.    

Winning strategy in a spiritual battle:

1.     Segregate: Demonic attacks are normally through people. Separate the person from the action. There is a demonic force behind aggression, hurtful words and anger. Our battle is not with the person; it is not with the sarcastic in-law, demeaning boss or disobedient child. Our battle is with the wicked spirits of disrespect, disdain and disobedience.                        

2.     Strongman: Demons operate in ranks and troops. Identify the root and the strongman of the team. Behind flattery, exaggeration and lies there is a spirit of self-importance and pride. Behind depression, low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts there is the demon of rejection. Identify the strongman and bind it.                                

3.     Sword: Use the sword to slaughter the attacking diabolical force. Jesus was physically vulnerable after 40 days of fasting without food, yet, he won the battle against Lucifer himself with the Word of God. Winning strategy in spiritual battles is to repeat God’s Word over and over again.                  

Demons are terrified of those who pray, fast, proclaim God’s Word, blood, and His name. These are the tools to win spiritual battles.  

Psalms 108:13 With your help we will win the battle.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me to be alert, agile and equipped always to win every battle I face. Amen.

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