28 July 2023–Lifecycle– Part 7

Psalm 8:4 What are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them?

Every living creature that God created has a purpose. There is no living thing that is useless. Bacteria are the smallest living organism that can reproduce. Most bacteria reproduce by binary fission whereby one bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. Good bacteria are vitally important to both humans and animals without which we cannot exist. They help in breaking down food to make nutrients available for us. They play a vital role in fighting against infection. They are used in the manufacture of antibodies, and they help recycle the organic waste to keep the environment clean. Hence the bacteria that are invisible to the naked eye have a purpose. Such is the case of every worm, bird or animal.

If the tiniest living organism has a purpose, how much more is man who is created in the image of God. Great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. Your eyes are open to the ways of all mankind; you reward each person according to their conduct and as their deeds deserve (Jeremiah 32:19). Those who passionately seek their purpose and pursue it will be richly rewarded. Each one of us has a unique purpose. Our purpose will be aligned to our God-given gifts. A dog makes a good watchman, and a lion is an excellent hunter. Our purpose will be aligned to our God-given gifting. Our purpose and gifts need not be prominent to the world but must be validated by Heaven.

The slave girl in the house of the commander in chief of Aram, Naaman, was insignificant yet; God used her as a conduit to heal the incurable disease of her master Naaman.  We hear sermons about the little boy who shared his lunch which Jesus used to feed the 5,000+, but we never accredit the father who caught the fish or the mother who fried the fish, and packed his lunchbox with 2 fishes and 5 barley loaves. It is not important to be accredited by the world, but it is important to understand our God-given purpose and use our God-given gifting to accomplish our purpose.

Life on earth will fade away soon; find your purpose and fulfill it:

1.     Unique: Each one of us has a unique gift. Most precious gifts such as encouraging, loving, and caring are hidden gifts that will not be applauded. Pursue it. The prize of obscure service is accumulating in heaven.

2.     Unknown: There is no record of the poor slave girl being recognized by Naaman. We are not sure if she was released and reunited with her family but the “unknown slave girl” would be richly rewarded in heaven for fulfilling her purpose in obscurity.

3.     Unnoticed: Most times our service during tough times will not be remembered by people during their good times. Wait for the reward from the hand of God, not the hand of man.

The cycle of life does not wait for anyone, and those who live purposelessly are dead even if they are breathing. So, pursue your purpose.

Ecclesiastics 3:1 There is a time for everything under the sun.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, help me to see and hold on to your purpose for my life. Amen.

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