03 August 2023 – Voices – Part 5

Daniel 10:12 Then he continued, “Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them.

A normal male voice in an outdoor setting travels to about 180 meters. However, our voices in our prayer closet are heard with clarity in heaven. Our words, expressions and groaning are transmitted to the prayer hub of heaven instantaneously. Our petitions, praises and pleadings are carried by angelic hosts into the very throne room of heaven. Each one had a harp, and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints (Revelation 5:8). Angels are our audio transmission agents.

Further, we can rightfully enter into the secret chamber of our God and have a conversation with Jesus. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). The blood of Jesus has qualified us to march boldly as the king’s kids to have discussions with our Daddy. We don’t need an appointment to go to His presence. He is waiting to invite us into His secret chamber. Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? The one who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not trust in an idol or swear by a false god (Psalm 24:3-4). Clean hands, pure heart and unpolluted worship give us direct access and close fellowship with the Lord God.

Hence we need not shout and our prayers need not damage our larynx in order to be heard. A soft whisper from your prayer closet travels swiftly to the ears of the Almighty Father. Angel Gabriel confirmed to Daniel that his prayers were heard from day 1 and that he was sent with the answers to his prayers. Our soft sincere prayers are carried by angels at the speed of light to our Father in Heaven. He makes winds His messengers, flames of fire his servants (Psalm 104:4).       

Our prayers travel at the speed of light:

1.     Flames: Our voice travels like flames into the spiritual realm. If we understand the power of our vocal cords we will not misuse it. Most of our blessings are not hindered by the demons but by our own words. Flames can start a bonfire to warm us up or can set a forest on fire and burn it down. So is the voice behind our words.  

2.     Fire: Fire travels at 14.27 miles per hour and strong winds can push embers towards new fire. Faith is the strong wind that flames the fire of prayer.                                 

3.     Fast: Our voice travels fast to heaven or to hell. Our voice of praise and sincerity activates faith and lifts our prayers towards heaven, but noises of arrogance and complaints push it towards hell.

Our voice travels fast into the heavenly realms.

Psalm 18:6 From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.

Prayer: Father God, help me to understand the power behind my voice and use it to flame my prayer, not set my future on fire. Amen.

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