20 August 2023 – Blessed – Part 1

Jeremiah 17:7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in Him.”

The most common understanding of “blessed” is to be divinely, highly or supremely favoured and to have blissful, happy and contented life. Blessed can be used as an adjective or a noun.  The dictionary meaning of ‘blessed’ as an adjective is ‘to be made holy or consecrated’. A good example would be ‘I enjoyed blessed calmness in the cathedral’. Here blessed is an expression of a palpable calmness in the church.  ‘Blessed’ as a noun refers to ‘those who live with God in heaven’ or ‘to experiencing heaven on earth’. In other words, blessed life is when God dwells with us.

It is imperative to understand the contrast between the three meanings in order to understand the Biblical meaning of blessed.

Common Meaning – favoured by God

Adjective – made holy or sanctified or set apart

Noun – experience heaven on earth

In the Bible, the word ‘blessed’ is mostly used as an empowering word. The word ‘blessed’ authorizes us to walk in the fullness of God’s promises. These are entitlements for God’s children. In the famous sermon on the mountain also called the ‘Beatitudes’ Jesus gave us principles that will empower us to live a blessed life. However, the bottom-line to be blessed is to trust in the Lord. A state of complete trust is when the problems around us do not disturb the peace and joy in our heart. When problems irk our heart the burden is alleviated by our unshakable trust in the Lord. In God I trust; I will not be afraid (Psalm 59:11b). The daunting trouble is subdued by His indomitable power.    

We will enjoy ‘Blessed Life’ when our trust is unshakable, hope is undisrupted and joy is undisturbed:

1.     Trust: Trust is faith in action. When we learn to trust God more than the advice of experts, experiences and expertise, the flood gate of heaven’s blessings will stand open for us. Some find their strength in their weapons and wisdom, but my miracle-deliverance can never be won by men. Our boast is in Yahweh our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory! (Psalm 20:7 TPT). Trust moves our eyes from reality on to God’s Sovereignty.               

2.     Rest: Trust shifts the control into God’s hands and settles into a solemn rest. Trust makes the fluttering heart and frantic mind stop racing and start resting.  

3.     Bequest: Trusting God leaves priceless divine wealth and legacy to our future generations. Abraham left an inheritance of righteousness just by trusting on God’s promises and resting on His promises. Trust leaves a bequest of blessings.

The favour of God rests on those who trust Him. So, the way to be blessed is to learn to trust God above reality, reports and logical reasoning.

Psalm 40:4 Blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.

Prayer: Father God, teach me how to trust you and rest on you as you only have the best in store for me. Teach me to take my eyes away from this world, wisdom or wealth and put my trust on You and You alone to be blessed. Amen.

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