02 September 2023 – Eyes – Part 7

2 Chronicles 16:9a For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.

The eyes of the Lord are described as a flaming torch and a flame of fire. His eyes were like flaming torches (Daniel 10:6b). His eyes were like a flame of fire (Revelation 1:14b).  Nothing will miss the eyes of God. The eyes of the Lord search throughout the earth to find those who are devoted, committed and loyal to Him. His eyes will not only spot those who are integrous but will also display His power to His trustworthy children. The eyes of the Lord can see the deep secrets, dark thoughts and secret sins hidden in the crevice of the heart. The eyes of the Lord are the glorious glowing floodlight that throws light in our path.

The Lord directs our path with His eyes. I will counsel you with My eye upon you (Psalm 32:8b). His eyes can envision far beyond what our physical eyes can see. When we see our future through our spiritual eyes there will be hope, blessings and breakthroughs. The demonic eyes of envy, enticements and entanglements will be blinded by the flaming torch and fire of the eyes of God.  

Physical eyes take in light from the world around us and send visual information to our brain to form images but the spiritual eyes take the light from the heart to visualize the world around us.

God’s eyes fell on Noah, a trustworthy obedient soul who was willing to execute the extremely difficult task of building an ark. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:8). Noah had not witnessed the great flood that would wash away the inhabitants of the earth. Further Bible scholars believe that he built the massive Ark in the middle of the land. Hence he would have become ‘the ridicule of the town’. But God’s power was displayed through this man who was willing to be obedient in the midst of derision.           

The eyes of the Lord are like ‘the search engine’ that finds the dependable, devoted and dedicated:

1.     Dependable: The eyes of the Lord search for the dependable. The ‘dependable’ are durable at all seasons of life. They will remain steadfast in the pinnacle of success and also in the valley of disappointment. Progress or promotion will not puff them and sway away from the Lord nor will depression or disillusion stagger their faith. His eyes will spot the dependable.

2.     Devoted: The eyes of the Lord find the devoted and loyal. Your secret investment of prayer and praise in your prayer closet moves you up in the search list. Our daily devotional and quiet time with God will move us into God’s limelight. 

3.     Dedicated: The eyes of the Lord identify those who can be trusted with His mission no matter how difficult it might be.                                                                                                                         

God’s eyes are the search engine that spots the loyal, trustworthy and committed.

Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are in every place, watching the evil and the good.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, counsel me to live a life of devotion that Your eyes might find me as dependable and dedicated. Amen.

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