07 September 2023 – Stay Young – Part 5

1 Kings 18:46 The power of the Lord came on Elijah and, tucking his cloak into his belt, he ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.

When there is an adrenaline rush, our heart beats faster, blood flows to the brain and muscles increase and stimulate the body to make sugar to use for fuel. The effect of adrenaline can boost the performance of athletes. Prophet Elijah ran for about 25 miles. It would take about 3 ½ hours to cover 25 miles by a good runner. The Bible also says that he outran the chariot! A fast horse can cover 25 miles within an hour which means Elijah ran faster and covered the distance within an hour. Elijah was the fastest marathon runner recorded in the Bible. Elijah’s speed was not due to the adrenaline rush.  He was not running a race. The power of God came upon Elijah and he was able to overtake the chariot of the wicked king Ahab.

Elijah was already pumped with a fire anointing as his prayer made fire to fall from heaven on his sacrifice on Mount Carmel. Then he prophesied floods to drench the valleys.  Israel witnessed fire and flood on the same day. Bible scholars say that Elijah was in his mid-thirties when he outran the chariot. Boldness, bravery and buoyancy in the Lord endowed Elijah with an anointing to do incredible miracles with supernatural strength. The faith of Elijah became wheels of fire to his feet and wings on his back. The Spirit of the Lord airlifted him from one place to the other to fulfill his commission. I don’t know where the Spirit of the Lord may carry you when I leave you (1 Kings 18:12a). The power of God can empower us with supernatural strength and abilities to achieve deeds that a normal human can never accomplish.

Anointing keeps you young and agile:                                                                           

1.     Bold: The power of God becomes our adrenaline rush when we are bold. Faith is bolstered by our boldness. When you feel intimidated and weak, confess and profess the power and might of God. Bold confession boosts faith and empowers us to walk in the supernatural.  

2.     Brave: The presence of God makes us brave. People, power or politicians could not daunt Elijah. Elijah executed his mission courageously as he saw the power of his God mightier than the ruthless king Ahab. Confidence in the God of heaven and earth keeps us young at heart.

3.     Buoyant: The promises of God keep us buoyant and cheerful. Those who trust in the Lord are energized even when they are advanced in age but those who are timid and pressured are fragile and depressed. The great prophet had his moments. When he was threatened by the perverted Queen Jezebel his strength failed and he wanted to die. This was the same prophet who ran a marathon the previous day. Buoyancy is not dependant on the potency of our physical body but on our spiritual joy, cheerfulness and strength.   

Anointing makes you bold, brave and buoyant.

Psalm 146:3 – Do not trust in princes, In mortal man, in whom there is no salvation.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, anoint me with bravery, boldness and buoyancy and endow me with supernatural strength. Amen.

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