16 September 2023 – Hindrances – Part 7

1 Kings 13:11 Now there was a certain old prophet living in Bethel, whose sons came and told him all that the man of God had done there that day. They also told their father what he had said to the king.

1 Kings 13 is a chapter with deep spiritual truth and insightful lessons. The Lord God sent a prophet from Judah to the Northern Kingdom of Israel to prophecy a stern warning to Jeroboam, the King of Israel. However, the Bible says, there was an old prophet who was living in Bethel but God had stopped using him. We see later in that chapter that this old prophet did not hesitate to lie and manipulate to fulfill his agenda (But he was lying to him) (vs 18). The old prophet had a title but no anointing. He had lost his anointing as a prophet by pleasing people and prophesying deceitfully. He would have started well but lost the calling due to dishonesty and selfish gains. Prophecy that pleased the king would have brought earthly possessions and rewards which could have caused him to backslide. Hence the Lord had to raise a young man to be His mouthpiece and brought him all the way from Judah to Israel to reprimand the king of Israel.

“The arrogance of success is to think that what you did yesterday will be sufficient for tomorrow.” ~ William Pollard.

Both past success and failure can be our greatest hindrance to our future. Living in the past glory or regrets would hinder our present mission and blur our future vision. Yesterday’s success is tomorrow’s memories but tomorrow’s success is yesterday’s dream. So never stop dreaming, praying and persevering. We never stop learning, growing and giving. No one has reached the summit of success. Our success is only seasonal glory. So, don’t let your past control your present and dictate your future.       

Past success or failure can hinder our future:

1.     Fame: Fame destroyed the anointing and calling on the old prophet. Remember to give back all the praise and glory to the Lord. Fame misused is like the fat that can clog the arteries of our heart with pride. Sacrifice the fat on the altar. He will burn the fat on the altar (Leviticus 4:31a). When the focus changes from glorifying God to selfish-gains and self-promotion, it will turn into a hindrance.

2.     Fortune: Fortune, wealth and possessions derailed the old prophet who spoke words that pleased the king. We know that the old prophet was appointed to counsel the king as his sons were still serving in the palace. Money should never be our focus. Money follows those who follow their God-given purpose.    

3.     Fast: Fasting and prayer will keep us on track in our God-given vision. The old prophet had the name but no impact or influence in his words. Achievements, success and popularity can steal our fasting and prayer and destroy our future.      

Don’t let the past success or failure, destroy your future.

Songs of Solomon 2:15a The little foxes that spoil and ruin the vineyards.

Prayer: Father God, show me the hindrances that could spoil my vineyard and destroy my future. Teach me to remove all the hindrance that steals my future. Amen.

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