24 September 2023 – Tears – Part 1

Psalm 32:12a Hear my prayer, O LORD! Listen to my cries for help! Don’t ignore my tears.

The tear glands located above each eyeball continuously supply tear fluid across the surface of our eyes.  Every time we blink, a thin layer of tears called a “tear film” spreads across the surface of our cornea. There are three types of tears Basal TearsReflex Tears and Emotional Tears. Basal Tears are the natural function of the tear glands that lubricates the eyes. Reflex Tears are the tears that our eyes produce when we chop onions and Emotional Tears are the tears that pour out when we go through an emotional trauma.

David’s tears became His prayer. Hence, many think that their tears are translated to petitions! Shedding tears in the prayer closet does not bring answers. Only tears under the blood covenant attract the attention of heaven. Hagar, the Egyptian slave and the mother of Abraham’s son Ishmael, cried bitterly as her son was dying of dehydration in the desert. Hagar thought, “I cannot watch the boy die.” And as she sat there, she began to sob (vs 16b). Hagar wailed, but the Lord heard the boy’s faint cry! God heard the boy crying, and God’s angel called to Hagar from heaven. (Genesis 21:17a). Hagar’s was not under the blood covenant hence her crying was in vain, but the cry of the boy Ishmael, who was the seed of Abraham, attracted the attention of heaven.

Not all emotional tears have value in heaven. Only those tears from the eyes of God’s covenant children, translate into words, prayers and petition in heaven. Lamenting in prayer without exercising our rights under the covenant will only wet the carpet of our prayer closet.

Receive forgiveness through the blood of Jesus, apply His blood over the bondage/barrier and exercise the blood covenant with prayers and tears. Tears mingled with the blood penetrate into heaven.     

The cries of God’s covenant children:

1.     Cry: Crying and pleading for God’s attention will only be like the tears of an adamant child throwing anger tantrums. They become unethical and unwarranted dramas that will be ignored by heaven. Exercise your blood covenant. Prayers and tears with the promises of God are powerful. Lamenting with words such as ‘Jesus, where are you’? or ‘Can you not see what I’m going through’? – does not help. Pray quoting His promises. My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for forgiveness of sins (Matthew 26:28). Tears and prayers under the covenant are powerful.   

2.     Covenant: Those who have received forgiveness through the blood of Jesus are under the irrevocable blood covenant. Going to God with our goodness and generosity does not help. All our righteousness are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6). Tears are only the hinges but the blood is the key to heaven.   

3.     Compassion: Basal tears are the constant shield that protects the eyes and keeps dirt and debris away. Similarly tears of the covenant children keep them coated with God’s compassion, grace and protection.

Weeping and wailing outside the blood covenant has no value.

Psalm 42:3a My tears have been my food day and night.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for your blood that brings value and worth to the desperate tears and cries of my heart. Amen.

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