02 October 2023 – Favour of God – Part 2

Daniel 1:9 Now God had caused the official to show favor and compassion to Daniel.

“Fear follows crime and is its punishment.” ― Voltaire

Favour follows those who follow the Lord in obedience but disobedience shuts the door of God’s favour.

Israel disobeyed and hurt the heart of God by worshipping idols and disobeying the Word of God. They worshiped other gods and followed the practices of the nations the Lord had driven out before them, as well as the practices that the kings of Israel had introduced (2 Kings 17:7a-8). The Israelites eroded the favour of God by their callous, cold-hearted disobedience and stubborn defiance. God did not stop loving Israel but the favour of God dried-up. Even though the nation lost the favour of God, one obedient exile Daniel was lavished by God’s stupendous favour even in the pagan land. Daniel, the young man, was dragged as an exile to Babylon yet his heart was not angry or embittered. He was obedient to the Law of the Lord. He carried the law in his heart.      

Favour of God is the unmerited grace of God. His favour qualifies the disqualified for blessings, power, positions, responsibilities and ministry that they don’t deserve. Obedience lavishes us with the favour of God.

The favour of God lifted Daniel, a Jewish slave, as the chief advisor to the kings of Babylon and the Medo-Persians. Daniel was obedient to keep the ‘kosher diet’ of the Mosaic Law and God made him ‘the brain of Babylon’. It was no ordinary thing for a Jewish exile to become the chief counselor to the superpowers of that time. Favour promotes the disqualified, dishonored and disregarded.

The favour of God follows the obedient:

1.     Obey: Obedience surrounds us with undeserved favour. Favour of God will create opportunities for us to be promoted. The Lord God disturbed the tyrant King Nebuchadnezzar with a terrifying dream and He gave the interpretation to Daniel. Daniel’s interpretation brought peace to the perturbed mind of the king. Then the king placed Daniel in a high position and lavished many gifts on him (Daniel 2:48). Obedience unfolds favour that creates opportunities for promotion.

2.     Overrules: Favour of God overrules unprecedented calamities. The king commanded all the satraps, sorcerers, astrologers, magicians and counselors to be killed as they could not reveal the king’s dream and the interpretation. The Lord God revealed the dream and the interpretation to Daniel and saved the lives of the king’s counselors. In turbulent times such as this, the favour of God will make us ‘Daniels of our times’ to bring solutions to the commotion and confusion in our workplaces and our societies.   

3.     Overflow: Favour of God is a gift to us to bless others. Favour cannot be contained. It will overflow and bless others. Daniel was a source of blessing to the heathen kingdom and kings. The favour of God will overflow into your workplaces, communities and society.  

Favour follows those who tenaciously follow the Lord and obey His commandments.

Daniel 2:48b He(King) made him(Daniel) ruler over the entire province of Babylon and placed him in charge of all its wise men.

Prayer: Father God, I surrender to be obedient to carry your favour into my workplaces, community and the society. Amen.

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