07 October 2023 – Favour of God – Part 7

Psalm 84:11 “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.”

Building God’s trust bestows divine favour on us. ‘Trust is built and maintained by many small actions over time. Trust is not a matter of technique, tricks, or tools but of character’. Those who want to live under the shadow of God’s favour must make Him their sun and their shield. Trusting God above the tormenting trials and tempest will build a shield of God’s favour around us. Trusting Him unwaveringly through the thick and thin will inundate our trajectory with His favour. The favour of God is a force that goes before us and flattens mountains, splits the seas and calms the storms. The favour of God will do the impossible and incredible miracles in our lives. However, God’s favour is only poured into trustworthy vessels.

Abusing God’s blessings will break God’s trust and disbelief will turn a blessing into a burden. If a person who lacks trust in God receives a promotion they will be anxious about how to perform and impress people. If the doubtful is blessed with a new home, they will kill the joy of the blessing by worrying about their mortgage. Distrust and disbelief will drain the favour of God.  Abraham was favoured by the Lord as he trusted in Him unswervingly.  

Favour of God bestows God’s friendship, fortunes and becomes a strong fortress of protection around us. Trust in God wins the friendship of the Lord God. Jesus said that He calls us friends not slaves. God entrusts fortunes and finances on the trustworthy. Trust in God is like a fortifying shield and stronghold of protection.

God’s favour rests on those whom He can trust:

1.     Friendship: God’s friendship is the evidence of God’s favour. Then the LORD said, “Should I hide what I am about to do from Abraham? (Genesis 18:17). The Lord God could not execute judgment on the disobedient without discussing it with His friend Abraham. The favour of God will make us the friends of God.

2.     Fortune: The favour of God brings blessing without burdens. The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it (Proverbs 10:22). Not all wealth and financial increase comes from God. When satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness he showed Jesus the kingdoms and the splendor of the world in a blink and said, “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” (Matthew 4:9). God’s blessings will not have burdens attached but the wealth of the wicked will be filled with sorrow.

3.     Fortress: The favour of God is like a shield around His children. Surely, Lord, You bless the righteous; You surround them with Your favor as with a shield. (Psalm 5:12). No force on earth or power from hell can touch those who are surrounded by the favour of God.

The favour of God bestows ‘friendship with God’, ‘fortune without burden’ and a ‘strong fortress of protection’.

Psalm 147:11 The LORD favors those who fear Him, Those who wait for His faithfulness.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to trust you unshakably to be showered by your incredible favour. Amen.

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