11 October 2023 – Discerning God’s Voice – Part 4

John 8:47a Whoever belongs to God hears what God says.

Our relationship with the Lord will sharpen our hearing and discernment to the voice of God. The sense of belonging to the Lord draws us close to His presence and makes us the Lord’s beloved.  The closer you get to a person, the softer their voice can be. We will be able to hear the whispers only when we walk hand in hand with the Saviour. Likewise, when we know our place, privileges and position with the Lord and commune with Him continually, we will be able to hear His voice and feel the vibration of His proximity.    

“The Lord God speaks to us in our heart not in our head. The devil messes with our mind and injects toxic thoughts in our head.”

The Lord God spoke through dreams, visions, Urim or prophets in the Old Testament days. Now He dwells within us and speaks to us through His Word, in worship and through whispers. King Saul could not hear the Lord as his heart was far away from Him. He inquired of the LORD, but the LORD did not answer him by dreams or Urim or prophets (1 Samuel 28:6). Saul lost his relationship with God hence he could not hear his voice. The broken relationship with God broke the line of communication with the Almighty. The further we are from His presence, the feebler His voice will be.  

The Lord’s beloved hear His voice:

1.     Word: We hear God’s voice as we read His Word. Our confusion will become ‘discernment’ as we read His Word. We don’t have to search for scriptures to help us with our decision. God will speak to us through our daily reading plan. The Holy Spirit is our tutor as we read God’s word and He will decipher and delineate His Word to us.    

2.     Worship: We hear God’s voice when we worship. Both public and private worship makes our spiritual hearing sensitive. Elisha called for a harpist and while the harpist was playing, the hand of the Lord came on Elisha (2 Kings 3:15b), and he prophesied. When the sense of belonging to God’s family and longing for His presence is missing in worship, “worship” will only be a performance. Worship by God’s beloved, will activate our spiritual hearing.

3.     Whispers: The closer we walk with God, the clearer His whispers will be. The Holy Spirit dwells in our spirit-man/( heart). Our soul (intellect, emotions & feelings) must be led by the spirit.  Soul that is subject to the spirit will be able to discern the voice of God. If our soul is dragged by our feelings, emotions and IQ, we will miss His leading. Listen to your heart, not your feelings, emotions or brainpower.

The Holy Spirit dwells within us and speaks to us through His Word, in worship and through whispers.

John 14:26 But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.

Prayer: Dear Holy Spirit, help me to subject my intellectual knowledge, emotions and feelings to your Word and voice. Teach me to tune-in to hear your voice clearly. Lead, guide and direct my path. Amen.

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