01 November 2023 – Messy Mind – Part 4

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.

The focus of the mind is the driver that determines peace or misery. A mind that is anchored on the Lord will be in “perfect peace” but a mind that is attached to the fleeting pleasure of the world will be in turmoil and dread. To be steadfast on the Lord is to remain unwavering and trusting on what God has said. It is a simple faith that says, God has the final say – not man or any conniving demonic force. Perfect peace from the Lord makes us bold, benevolent and bolstered.

A messy mind is fluttering with fear, forebodings and frenzy. A trusting mind is firm as a rock.

The amazing excerpt of ‘the Shunammite woman’s son being restored to life’ is a conspicuous epitome of perfect peace from a mind that was steadfast on the Lord. The Shunammite woman was barren and her husband was advanced in age. She was very content with the blessings that she had and never complained to him that she was childless. The Prophet Elisha pronounced a promise that she did not even request for. The Lord honoured the prophet’s words and she had a son. After a few years, the young lad died. The nameless Shunammite woman did not lament or bewail; she trusted that the promise cannot die prematurely. She ran to the feet of the prophet leaving the dead child behind and to everyone who asked her why she was going to the prophet her answer was “It is well” (2 Kings 4:23b & 26b). She enjoyed perfect peace even in the dark valley of the shadow of death. 

Doubtful and delusionary minds are ‘messy minds’ but the mind that trusts in the faithfulness of God enjoys perfect peace at all times.   

Trusting verses testing mind:

1.     Test: ‘Trusting mind’ does not test God’s integrity. It just rests on His Word and His promises. A disappointment, rejection or a closed door will not erode the peace from their heart. They will still believe that “all things work together for good”. Such a mind does not test God but will trust Him in and through all things.

2.     Tenacity: ‘Trusting mind’ is tenacious. They do not revisit the existence of God or His love for them during tough times. Their faith does not flail and their trust does not fumble even in failure. Trust makes them tenacious. They will fall but will never remain downtrodden. They will rise up tenaciously.  

3.     Trust: Trust is a firm confidence that God’s got their back. People, problems or perils will not be able to steal our joy or pilfer our peace. Circumstances cannot and will not control our moods and mind of those whose minds are steadfast on Him.

The Lord God has proven Himself faithful for over 6,000 years. Don’t test Him; just trust Him even when you are confused. God’s promise cannot die prematurely.

Psalm 125:1 Those who trust in the LORD are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.  

Prayer: Father God, help me to keep my mind to be steadfast on you and grip on to you tightly to enjoy perfect peace. Amen.

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